Tips From The Experts For A Successful Move

Moving is totally an adventure, but this adventure can turn into a horror movie if you don't prioritize maintaining a good level of organization. To help you ensure that your move doesn't become the latest adaptation, we've prepared this guide with our best tips on how to make a move.

1. Determine Your Moving Budget

The first tip for a successful move is to determine in advance the maximum budget you would like to spend during your move.

This tip may sound a bit obvious, but in a process as complex as moving, it is very easy to hoard costs, and having a maximum budget in mind will help you think twice about expenses and discard any that are not necessary.

It is important to highlight that there are a series of factors that can affect the final price of your move, so we recommend that you get to work and inform yourself about these factors before establishing a maximum budget. If you don't, you run the risk of estimating a much lower amount of money than you should, which wouldn't be a pleasant surprise for your stress levels or your pocketbook.

2. Start Organizing Your Move In Advance

Unless you are a fan of the adrenaline that stress generates, we recommend that you do not leave everything to the last minute and start preparing your move at least two months in advance. This means that before you get to work, it is important that you decide on the day of your move (or at least a range of dates that works for you).

When deciding on the day of your move, it is important that you keep in mind that moving companies charge a higher price if they move during weekends or during holidays (particularly during the months of June and September).

Therefore, our additional moving advice at this point is to try to choose, unless it is totally impossible, a weekday outside of the peak season for your move.

3. Make An Inventory List

With the number of items you're likely to take and the number of boxes you'll need for them, how are you going to remember what you took and what box you packed it in if you don't have a list to help you?

The solution to this problem is quite simple: making a good inventory list will help you keep track of what belongings you have packed and where. Overall, this list is key to staying organized during your move and reducing stress levels as much as possible.

4. Calculate The Volume Of Your Move

This moving tip is super important, as it's what will help you make sure you don't get a costly surprise on your moving day. Moving companies usually charge based on the volume of your shipment, so we recommend that you use a volume calculator to know exactly how many cubic meters you have to transport.

Having this number on hand when requesting quotes will help you ensure that the prices that companies provide you are based on the actual number of objects you are going to transport.

5. Request And Compare Several Moving Quotes

When organizing a move, at H2H Movers we recommend that you request more than one moving quote. By having several options, you will have the luxury of choosing the offer that best suits your needs when making a move (both in price and in the guarantees and services offered).

6. Collect Enough Packaging Material

It goes without saying that making a successful move is going to be a little complicated if you don't have the right packing materials. The most common materials used when packing items for a move include:

  • Robust moving boxes of different sizes

  • Bubble guard (or, alternatively, you can use newspaper, towels, socks, and/or old t-shirts)

  • Scissors

  • Duct tape

  • Scotch tape

  • Permanent marker

  • foam protectors

  • Moving blankets

  • Be careful with furniture with drawers

If you were thinking about taking advantage of dresser and closet drawers to save on moving boxes, we recommend that you think twice.

Although this may seem like a tempting idea as it could save you a few dollars, leaving objects inside the furniture can make the move more complicated since the furniture is heavier and the drawers can fall during the journey.

7. Keep The Screws Together

Needless to say, the screws are small and, for this reason, very easy to lose. One of the tips for making a move that goes most unnoticed is to have all the screws together.

At H2H Movers in long distance moving, we recommend that for any piece of furniture that needs to be disassembled, make sure that you keep all the screws in small plastic bags and identify which piece of furniture they belong to.

8. Take Photos of the Cables

Before you get to work packing your electrical appliances, it's important that you take photos of the cables so you know how to reconnect them in your new home.

Having reference photos will not only make your task easier, but will also save you a lot of time and possible technical problems. Many people forget this step, but it really is a very useful trick to make an organized move.