Things You Can Do Today To Look Your Best

It is so important to be who you are. While being true to your authentic self it is perfectly acceptable and even laudable to be comfortable with yourself. That being said, it is ok to make some adjustments and enhancements to how you look. Here are a couple of small things you can begin with today.

Focus on your smile.

When you smile, are you happy with what you see? Perhaps you never had the opportunity to get braces in your youth. Maybe your pearly whites have shifted a little with time. Whatever the reason, if your teeth are not straight and you experience dissatisfaction with how they look, it is time to do something about it. You can straighten teeth in the comfort of your home with an aligner that is molded just for you. Consider it an investment in your self-confidence that will only get better with time.

Once you have your custom-fit aligner in hand, it is time to look at the color of your teeth. Do you feel that they could be whiter? While there are many options for teeth whitening available to you, you can go the at-home route once again and do it yourself. Choices range from complete whitening kits with trays to everyday maintenance items such as whitening toothpaste. Select whatever product will work best for your lifestyle and the desired color of your teeth. Be sure to read and follow the package instructions for optimal achievement.

A pro tip for maintaining both your new aligner and your beautiful white teeth is to maintain your oral health. Whether you are at home or on the go, you need to floss and brush your teeth after every meal. Bring a small toiletry kit with you in your bag or backpack, and you will be ready wherever you are. If you frequently drink teeth-staining beverages like coffee, tea, or wine, remember to brush after consuming those drinks, as well.

Reimagine your exercise routine.

The word exercise means something different for everyone. For some, it evokes a strong goal-setting invigoration. For others, the mere idea of exercising is daunting and stress-inducing. (Wherever you are on the road to meeting daily exercise intentions, you must consult your healthcare provider to ensure you are in optimal condition for physical activity.)

If you have been dedicated to physical fitness for a while, you may be hitting a wall or seeing diminishing returns. When this occurs, it is time to change up your exercise routine. If you are a runner, switch out a couple of your weekly runs for a sweat-inducing spin class. Other options are HIIT or High-Intensity Interval Training workouts. Swimming laps and rowing are good choices to work into your regimen, too.

One thing that people of all fitness levels, from beginner through advanced, seem to struggle with is flexibility. Becoming more limber will help alleviate sports-related injuries, help with muscle tone, and aid you in achieving a better posture. 

Here is a video guiding you on how to stretch for greater flexibility.

Go ahead and give yourself permission to be who you want to be. Make changes to suit your goals and lifestyle. Have fun with it, and then take a moment to relax and reflect on what you have achieved.