The Top 4 Extras to Install in an Apartment Building for Increased Value

If you're like most people, then you're always looking for ways to increase the value of your property. Whether you're a homeowner or landlord, adding a few extra features can significantly affect how much people are willing to pay for your place. If you're considering investing in an apartment building, here are four extras that will give you the most significant return on your investment!

Security System: 

A security system is always a good idea, but it's essential in an apartment building. Not only will it deter burglars, but it will also give tenants a sense of safety and peace of mind. In addition, installing a security system is a relatively simple and inexpensive process, so it's definitely worth doing if you want to increase the value of your property.

In addition to deterring crime, a security system can also help you keep an eye on your tenants. For example, if you have problems with noise complaints or other issues, being able to monitor the comings and goings of your tenants can be a big help.
There are a few different types of security systems to choose from, so do some research to find one that will work best for your property.

Video Intercom System: 

A video intercom system is a great way to increase the security of your apartment building. It allows you to see who is at the door before letting them in, which can significantly help deter crime. It's also a great way to keep an eye on your tenants and ensure they're not causing any trouble. Here are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a video intercom system:

- Make sure the system is compatible with your existing security system if you have one.

- Choose a system that offers video and audio so you can see and hear who is at the door.

- Pick a system that is easy to use so your tenants will actually use it.

- Look for a system that comes with features like remote access and video recording.

Installing a video intercom system for apartments is a great way to increase the security of your building and make it more valuable. 

Eco-friendly upgrades: 

These days, everyone is talking about going green. You can make your apartment building more attractive to potential tenants by installing energy-efficient appliances and light fixtures, using recycled materials, and offering recycling services. Other extras that you can consider include:

-A fitness center or gym

-A rooftop deck or patio

-A business center or co-working space

-A dog park or pet spa

-An outdoor kitchen or BBQ area

With creativity, you can turn your apartment building into a luxurious oasis tenants will be clamoring to call home. 

Rental Insurance: 

Offering rental insurance is another way to make your apartment building more valuable. This type of insurance protects tenants from damages to their personal belongings and liability claims in the event someone is injured on the property. 

There are many different types of rental insurance policies available, so it's essential to do your research to find the one that best meets the needs of your tenants. 

By offering this extra level of protection, you'll be able to give potential tenants peace of mind knowing that their possessions and safety are taken care of. 

These are just a few ideas to get you started. Adding these extras can increase the value of your apartment building and make it a more desirable place to live. With a little bit of planning and effort, you can make your apartment building the talk of the town.