The Rising Popularity of Shooting Sports: What You Need to Know Before Getting Started

The Rising Popularity of Shooting Sports: What You Need to Know Before Getting Started

Many of us have envisioned ourselves as John Wick, with his tactical shooting prowess and overall badassery.

And much like John Wick, shooting sports have risen in popularity in the last few years, and not just because it looks cool. Whatever style of the shooting sport it is like target shooting, skeet, trap shooting, or hunting, the activity has gained popularity among individuals as casual recreation, even pursuing the sport at a higher level of competition. 

It offers skill, focused, and disciplined work, and at the same time a fun activity for individuals. Let’s find out everything that you need to know before you start aiming down sights and practicing in the shooting range.

A Brief Overview of Shooting Sports

Shooting sports in fact include several forms; in each of which guns of firing or air rifles are utilized. The most common categories include:

  • Target Shooting: Where the targets do not move usually with an emphasis on the number of shots, accuracy etc. This is subdivided into areas such as rifle shooting, pistol shooting, and archery among others.

  • Clay Shooting: This goes by the name of skeet or trap shooting and entails using guns to shoot clay pigeons which are thrown up in the air. It challenges agility and hand-eye coordination.

  • Hunting: Hunting is another type of shooting sport where guns or bows are used to hunt small or big game. Although not as much as the actual game, a lot of skills and responsibilities are expected when hunting, and different preparations needed for a successful hunting trip.

  • Practical Shooting: A specific type of shooting that is quite recent in developing and distinguishes such disciplines where the target moves, sometimes rapidly, and shooters perform tasks within time limits. One of the best ways to describe it is a combination of the rate, precision, and maneuvering space.

The nature of shooting sports enables one to select a skill that will best suit his/her needs, such as challenging concentration or participating in a competitive event full of adrenaline, and more.

Why Shooting Sports Are Growing in Popularity

Shooting sports have steadily gained momentum for several reasons:

  • Increased Accessibility: There are many locations that provide novice shooting ranges, classes, and clubs. This coupled with reduced restrictions in some areas has made shooting sports more popular.

  • Focus on Safety and Education: People are getting more opportunities to take safety courses and get certified. They can participate in NRA (National Rifle Association) and ISSF (International Shooting Sport Federation) shooting events, where the former and many others offer educational materials to make sure the participants know well how to handle these firearms.

  • Appeal Across Demographics: Shooting sports have adopted a new trend that is acceptable for both male and female participants as well as the youth. Prominent examples of this development include youth shooting leagues as well as women's shooting clubs.

  • Physical and Mental Benefits: Marksmanship entails the ability to steady the body and the mind to shoot effectively in shooting sports. To others, it is a means of stress relief, helps in sharpening focus as well as eye muscle dexterity.

  • Social and Competitive Opportunities: Most shooting ranges together with specific clubs are very much community-oriented. Shooting also provides the camaraderie that is experienced with most sports, and more and more competitive leagues have emerged to provide the shooter a place to practice.

What You Need Before Getting Started

If you are really enthusiastic to begin it is necessary that you are ready with the right tools and mindset. Here are the essential steps and equipment you'll need:

1. Safety Training

In any field of shooting it is one thing that is of paramount importance, safety. There are many things that are good to know before buying a weapon and handling them for the first time by taking a certified gun safety course. These courses cover essential topics such as:

  • Firearm handling: Safety measures and guidelines in loading, unloading and handling firearms.

  • Safe storage: Some rules for safe storage of firearms when they are not in use so that incidence of mishap may not occur.

Some of the ranges and shooting clubs make new comers go through these courses before they fire any shot thus, everyone is operating with the same level of safety.

2. Choosing Your Discipline

It is very important to understand that shooting sports is divided into many disciplines as has been explained earlier, and there are many ways to increase your gun shooting range, once you get into the right discipline. Consider your interests and personal preferences:

  • For those who love aiming and hitting the most preferred games could be target shooting where the enthusiasts use rifles or pistols.

  • If you prefer a somewhat faster run for your money, then go for clay shooting like for example the skeet or trap.

  • If you like hunting or other physical activities that you do out in the field then practical shooting or hunting may suit you.

Many shooting ranges have equipment for hire that can allow one to practice a certain discipline before buying a gun.

3. Equipment

Once you’ve decided your discipline, it is time to get equipped. Here's a general list of what you'll need:

  • Firearm or Air Gun: Depending on a certain sport it is necessary to use rifle, pistol, shotgun or a bow respectively. Choose your first model as a beginner, and it should ideally be in line with the sport you practice. The basic skills are the key thing to get right first; you don’t have to spend thousands on the top model right away. Later on, you can even explore getting optic advancements for your shooting hobby.

  • Safety Gear: It is also important to respect safety equipment. This includes:

    • Eye Protection: Gloves, protective face shields, or masks, glasses or goggles.

    • Ear Protection: High-powered gun shots are very dangerous to the ear drums; thus earplugs or noise canceling earmuffs are very important.

  • Ammunition: Every single firearm or bow needs its type of bullets or arrows depending on the terrain to be covered. Ensure that you are clear on this as to the type and quantity needed in your field, such as knowing when to shop for 9mm ammunition, or any other type, for the right gun.

  • Targets: In your chosen sport of shooting you will require practice targets where they are stationary or discs for skeet practice. Some ranges offer these, but if you are going to practice on your own then it is advisable to have your own set of these.

4. Licensing and Regulations

Every country has its own rules and legislation as to who is allowed to own or use a firearm. In case you decide to get equipment, it is wise to check local laws to make sure that you do not violate any of them. Some may be required to acquire a permit or license to possess or use firearms. 

Ensure that you also learn more about their regulation on the transportation of firearms as many areas have set strict laws on the manner that guns should be transported and stored.

5. Joining a Community

The shooting sports rely on the help of the community. It is good practice to become a member of any shooting range or club so as to enhance your proficiency and to also enroll for championships. Most of the clubs have the new shooter programs and the coaches who are able to train the novices.

Overcoming Common Misconceptions

Shooting sports are relatively new, and hence, people often have a wrong notion regarding it. Here are a few common myths and the truth behind them: Here are a few common myths and the truth behind them:

Myth: This thus puts shooting sports into a very dangerous category of sporting activities.

Truth: The shooting sports are very safe if done under a controlled environment especially when precautions have been taken. 

Myth: Shooting is only for men. 

Truth: There has been an increase of female participation in the sport with more women in shooting leagues and shootist competitions.

Myth: You have to be an expert to start.

Truth: Amateur participation is accepted. Many ranges have courtesy orientations and most of them have rental equipment so people that are interested in participating do not need much instruction or practice to be able to join.


The increase in shooting sports’ popularity is enough proof of how this sport has cut across different ages and even generations. If you want something for fun or leisure, to enhance concentration, or even for some competition then shooting sports is for you. 

By following shooting etiquette and respecting your local laws, you can lock and load and get into the shooting sports spirit. Release your inner John Wick and find a local shooting range today!