The Pros And Cons Of Being In The Fitness Industry

As with any industry, there are pros and cons of being in the job, and if you are considering a career as a personal trainer then you need to be well-informed of what it is like to be in the fitness industry. You will need to start by completing some personal trainer courses to get your certification before you can begin to start training others. There are some useful physical training instructor courses you can also apply for to help you expand your knowledge and expertise in order to pursue this career choice. Before you enroll here are the top pros and cons that come with being in the fitness industry.

Here are the top pros and cons that come with being in the fitness industry.


First up we are going to start with the positives;

1. You Get To Be Your Own Boss

One of the biggest perks of being in the fitness industry is that you get to be your own boss. You get to choose the hours you work and you get to choose where you work them. This gives you the flexibility that not many professions offer. So if you are sick of working under inefficient or ungrateful management then becoming a personal trainer could be the option for you.

2. You Choose Who To Work With

Another perk of the job is that you get to choose who you work with. So if you take on clients who cause you trouble or are disrespectful then you know that you don’t have to put up with this type of behavior. You can stop training them whenever you like, so the power is in your hands. On this same line of thinking, you also get to choose to work with people you might not usually get to interact with. As a result, you can end up meeting and work with some really cool people and this makes the job even more enjoyable. 

3. It Is A Profession You Can Take Anywhere

Working as a professional trainer is a great job for anyone who moves around a lot as it is a profession that you can take anywhere at any time. You can train to be a personal trainer through Fitness Mentors and take your qualifications wherever you like.. No matter where you go, people will always want to get fit, lose weight, tone up or improve their health. It is an industry that is not going anywhere anytime soon. 

4. You Stay Fit And Healthy

Unsurprisingly, working in the fitness industry will keep you fit, strong, and healthy! There are not a lot of jobs that can keep you healthy while earning on the job. Often people are stuck at their desks for hours on end as they sit in a chair and get on with their job. One of the biggest myths in the fitness industry is that you have to be a prime, lean, ultra-fit athlete to be a trainer but that is simply not the case. Anyone who has an interest in fitness and is willing to learn/study to become a trainer can do it. 


Now it is time for the cons of the job;

1. Salary Can Be Inconsistent

One of the issues that personal trainers face in this job is an inconsistent salary. Sometimes you might find yourself earning loads of money but then other times you might be fighting for scraps. This is because the job is dependent on you finding and maintaining clients. This is a problem particularly for new personal trainers as they are still building up their portfolio of experience. However, with enough persistence, you will be able to find clients and keep yourself sustained. The average median earnings for a personal trainer is $62,576 and 10% of personal trainers can expect to make $80,000 plus. So this is an industry where you can earn big money if you work hard enough. 

2. You May Have To Work Unsociable Hours

Another disadvantage that comes with working in the fitness industry is that you will likely have to work unsociable hours. This is because your clients are likely to be working from 9 to 5 and so will need to train before 9 am or after 5 pm, and so while some people might be heading off to the pub for a drink after 5 pm, you will have to be working through these hours as that is prime time. This is not the case for everyone, and you may be able to build a list of clientele that work different shifts to the usual 9 to 5. So people who are retired, students, work in bars/ do any night shifts are easy to fit into more sociable hours.

Working in the fitness industry is a rewarding career option that gives you a sense of autonomy and increased flexibility. If you are thinking about making a career move and personal training sounds like a fit for you then get started today and find yourself a training course to get you qualified.