The Life of a Minimalist in a Large Space

You've probably heard about Marie Kondo, a famous Japanese author and expert organiser whose well-known KonMari method has changed a lot of people's perspective of keeping their homes clean and clutter-free. This is one of the reasons the 'minimalist revolution' has started to gain popularity in different parts of the world once again.

The art of tidying up and decluttering indeed brings a lot of positive effects on people. However, not everyone knows how to keep up with this method. Some people are even wondering if you can apply it while living in a large space. The short answer is yes.

Being a minimalist doesn't mean that you have to have to let go of big opportunities. It doesn't also dictate you to choose to be contented with small spaces. For instance, if you browse for a house for sale in Manor Lakes, you don't need to select the smallest-sized property. You can still choose to purchase a huge home. You just have to apply the minimalist lifestyle while you're living in a big space. Here are a few tips to help you out.

Limit storage space

If your home already has built-in cabinets and closets, avoid adding more storage spaces. Building more shelves and drawers will only result in more clutter and you'll see yourself storing unnecessary items.

Keep essential items only

Some people find it difficult to determine which items are really necessary at home. To make the process easy for you, ask yourself if you can live without each item or not. If you answer yes, get rid of it. You can also apply this when purchasing furniture and appliances. Before you buy anything, ask yourself if you really need it. This method does not only help you avoid clutter at home. It also enables you to save money because you will not be purchasing unnecessary stuff.

Lessen decorative stuff

A minimalist home doesn't have to be plain and boring. You can still add a few ornamental plants, photo frames, and artwork. Just make sure that you don't overdo it. Keep in mind that the goal is to add colour and style. Don't convert an entire room into a fully decorated space full of items that you don't really need.

Appreciate blank spaces

Learn to embrace empty spaces. You don't need to fill every space and corner of your home. If you have more blank spaces, you don't need to put a lot of your time and effort cleaning and freeing it from clutter.

If you're used to having a lot of things around you, applying the minimalist lifestyle at home can be challenging. However, if you practise the methods mentioned above, you'll slowly appreciate the beauty of having limited stuff and clutter-free home. You can experience living in a clean and organised home, which benefits guests who want to visit your place, too. Don't forget to teach your kids about minimalism, as well. This way, all members of the family can help retain the minimalist style at home.