Spring Cleaning Tips to Help Prolong the Lifespan of Your Fence

Your fence is something that once you put up you probably don’t pay much attention to. A fence provides you with privacy, helps keep the kids and pets in the yard safe, and even adds a sense of design depending on the fencing you chose. And while your chain link fence company will have put a lot of effort into putting it up correctly, homeowners don’t often continue to give that same level of attention throughout its lifespan!


Here’s the thing, did you know that by giving that attention to your fence and using some basic spring cleaning tips each year, you can actually prolong the lifespan of your fence? Not to mention you’ll also be making sure it stays looking fresh and new. These spring cleaning tips will provide you with all the information you need to maintain a great looking fence.

Watch For and Remove Overhanging Trees and Bushes

As your yard matures each year and the trees, bushes, and shrubs you have planted continue to grow, it can get to a point where they start to push against the fence. The weight and force of these plants and trees can end up causing damage to the fence, and in severe cases, even knock it down. So it's good to trim back overgrown greenery each spring to ensure the fence will have enough room.

Get Rid of Debris

You will also want to do a very simple clean-up in which you remove any debris that may have collected on or in between the fence rails.

Walk the Perimeter of the Fence Looking for Damage

Now that the debris is cleared, and the greenery has been pruned, you'll have the ability to walk the perimeter of the fence looking for any signs of damage. If you find any areas that require repairs, they will need to be addressed as soon as possible.

Give the Fence a Good Washing

Of course one of the most satisfying spring fence maintenance tips is giving the fence a really good wash. This is what takes it back to that like-new condition and helps to maintain its integrity. Experts suggest that your fence should actually be washed two times a year, so a good schedule to follow is in the spring to get everything looking great, and in the fall before the cold weather sets in. 

To wash the fence, you'll need a gentle cleanser that is free of dyes and harsh chemicals. It just needs to be able to wash away dirt, dust, debris, and bugs. For wooden fences, you can use a soft cloth or a soft bristle brush to clean it. Vinyl fencing can benefit from a magic eraser type product, whereas a chain-link fence typically just needs to be hosed down with the garden hose or a pressure washer. You can also check out Hotsy of Houston for more information.

What if You Have Mildew?

For those with vinyl fencing, you may run into an issue with mildew forming on the fence. To get rid of that you can use a homemade solution of laundry detergent, sodium hypochlorite (Clorox), trisodium phosphate (Soilax), and water, or you can always use a vinegar and water solution.

By following all of these tips, you’ll be ensuring your fence stays in tip-top shape.