Some Of The Surprising Causes Of Nightmares


No one likes having nightmares. Nightmares can be the worst thing possible for us to live through because they tend to be so vivid and raw. A nightmare can feel more like real life than life itself and this is what often scares us to a point of having to stay up and cuddle our loved ones.

Nightmares can hit anyone at any time. They are pretty unpredictable and incredibly scary, however did you know that there are some real causes of your nightmares which you can control? Here are some of the surprising causes of nightmares which you need to avoid for a full night’s sleep.

Open doors

One of the things which can affect a lot of us in low vision is the fear of the dark. We worry about what is hiding in the corner or what’s out of the window and we go to bed feeling paranoid. Keeping doors open in your room can have a huge affect on your mind so make sure you close everything up to make you feel safe and secure in bed.

Food before bed

We have all heard that you should never eat cheese before bed, but actually, you shouldn't be eating anything at all. When we eat food just before we go to bed, our body is hard at work metabolising the food and it causes our brain to stay active even as we sleep. This activity is a huge precursor to bad dreams as our mind becomes overly excited.                       

If you have had a stressful day or you are struggling with sleep, a glass of wine can seem like the perfect remedy. It makes you tired and drowsy and it will indeed make you fall asleep much more easily. However, after initially falling asleep you will struggle to stay asleep because your body is breaking down the sugars, therefore causing you to have bad dreams.    
Bad sleeping habits

We all know that our bodies have a clock which runs alongside us as we love out our days. A body clock is a wonderful thing because it feels us when we are tired, allows us to sleep and rest and then it will tell us when to wake up. Think about your sleeping habits at the moment and think about whether or not you sleep enough and at regular times. You probably don’t,and this can affect our bodies and have us struggling to sleep without bad dreams.


The idea of having some medication for your insomnia might seem like a great idea, and at first it will help to calm your body down and allow you to get to sleep. However, when your body starts to metabolise the pill you have taking you can end up with more sleep disturbances than you did before. Make sure you only take medication if you have no other choice but to do so, because it can run the risk of giving you nightmares.