Social Media Marketing Strategy: 5 essential objectives to integrate

For businesses of all sizes, social media has become a cornerstone of marketing strategy. A successful social media marketing strategy is one that not only finds the right target audience but also successfully engages them. Integrating essential objectives into a social media marketing strategy is the key to success. We will discuss the five objectives essential to any successful social media marketing strategy and how to use them effectively. 

Which goals does your social media marketing plan have?

Businesses now fully see the benefits of investing in social media, as well as the full potential and meaning of the term "social," as time has gone.

Brands are aware that social networks aren't only a niche, isolated marketing channel for the newest target demographics with a communication and product promotion axis. In addition to producing measurable results (monitoring, leads, social selling), social networks have demonstrated their value in creating points of contact and meeting between the consumer and his brand. This helps to improve the renowned customer experience, which is occasionally (and frequently) undermined.

Finally, it is important to set benchmarks and track progress to ensure that your strategy is effective and that your goals are being met. Working with a business plan consultant is a great way to ensure that your plan is comprehensive and results.

We will see how to measure these objectives' achievement and progress.

1. Increase brand recognition

Building brand recognition is important for speeding up the sales cycle, gaining market share, and establishing oneself as a leader in your sector. And utilizing effective task management software can be a great way to help your business reach its goals. Task management software provides a streamlined, organized approach to organizing and managing tasks, enabling users to stay focused and on-task. 

To evaluate your positioning and the possible effects of your activities on your primary competitors, you must create a reputation and brand audit. Differentiation tactics come in many forms. We can cite the creation of original content, personalized according to your targets, the targeting of prospects according to their profile, the product development according to the insights collected on social media, and the axes of communication adapted by socio-demographic centers of interest.

2. Grow social media communities and target audiences

The indicators you can use are:

  • Community performance:  Number of fans, followers, and subscribers broken down by social media channel

  • Community progress:  Growth rate of subscribers and fans by social channel

  • Community Share of Voice:  Number of fans and followers compared to your competitors.

  • Share of voice by channel: Some communities for each social media are reduced to your entire community.

  • Social visits:  Visitors from your social media to your website/blog.

3. Enhance interactions and engagement for ambassador and loyalty programs.

By identifying influential figures for your brands and industry, the main goal is to create a long-lasting relationship between the target market and the brand. And by utilizing dynamic data visualizations, businesses can provide customers with real-time, tailored insights into their customer journey and progress. 

Therefore, it is essential to collaborate with individuals with a particular level of trust, legitimacy, and authority in the network and to connect in a focused manner with them. 

We are talking about something other than a high audience among these opinion leaders. Because a small group that is engaged and interested in an opinion leader is more successful than a huge passive community, depending on your market. Therefore, we could start a plan with micro- or nano-influencers.

4. Boost client satisfaction and positive perception

To assess happiness and perception, as well as their evolution over time in response to your marketing efforts and other strategic actions of the company, it is required to gather messages and views about your goods (i.e., a wide variety of consumer insights). Also, if you don’t control your time effectively, you may use some ways, like a Time Management Matrix, to prioritize tasks.

You can use the following measures to evaluate your satisfaction goals:

  • Brand perception

  • Evolution of perception

  • Evolution of net sentiment 

  • Emotions associated with the brand

  • Reputation score

  • Response performance

  • Resolution performance

5. Generate quality leads for company services through social media interactions.

We are approaching the end of the marketing funnel: your content, your campaigns have generated a certain number of leads on social media, and messages from Internet users potentially interested in your brand and its products. 

Companies can use social media to engage with potential customers and convert them into leads. To help with this process, utilizing a scheduling tool like Simply Schedule Appointments can be highly beneficial.

This kind of indication should be used to evaluate the number of compelling leads available to salespeople and business engineers:

  • Several leads from social media/channels over [period]: Share of marketing leads originating from social media, or blogs, transformed into qualified sales leads and integrated into the CRM platform.

  • Growth of social media leads: [Monthly] growth rate of conversions from Social leads to Sales Qualified leads.