Seasonal Guide to Home Exterior Maintenance: How to Prepare Your Property for Every Season

As a homeowner, keeping up with exterior maintenance can feel like a never-ending task. Your home's exterior takes a beating from the elements year-round, and each season brings its own set of maintenance needs. Staying on top of seasonal upkeep is crucial for protecting your biggest investment and keeping your property beautiful. This guide will walk you through the key exterior maintenance tasks to tackle during every season. With some planning and diligent upkeep, you can keep your home's exterior in tip-top shape all year long.

Spring Maintenance

Spring is an important season for home maintenance after a long winter. As temperatures warm up, focus on these tasks:

  • Inspect the roof and gutters - Look for any damage or debris. Clear out gutters and downspouts so water can flow freely. Call a roofer for any necessary repairs.

  • Wash exterior surfaces - Give the siding, windows, doors, and decks a deep clean to remove dirt and grime built up from winter. Be sure to use mild cleaners designed for each surface type.

  • Seal cracks and holes - Inspect all exterior surfaces and seal any cracks or holes with caulk or sealer. This will prevent moisture intrusion and pest entry. Pay close attention to windows, doors, pipes, and vents.

  • Inspect decks and porches - Look for loose boards, damage, or deterioration. Make repairs as needed. Consider applying a fresh coat of water-repellent sealant.

  • Touch up paint - Go over painted surfaces and spot paint any areas showing wear. A fresh coat of paint gives your home an instant facelift.

  • Prune trees and bushes - Trim back overgrown limbs and branches. Prune judiciously to shape plants and improve airflow.

  • Fertilize lawns and gardens - Nourish lawns, trees, and plants with an early spring feeding to energize growth for the season. Rake and remove any leftover winter debris.

Summer Maintenance

Summer's warm weather is perfect for tackling these exterior maintenance jobs:

  • Wash again - From pollen to dirt, summer grime accumulates quickly. Give all surfaces another deep clean, avoiding hot midday sun.

  • Check for pests - Inspect for signs of termites, carpenter ants, spiders, and other pests. Enlist professionals for your home's pest control.

  • Touch up paint again - Heat and humidity can quickly cause painted surfaces to look faded and worn. Freshen up the paint on siding, decks, shutters, doors, and trim.

  • Clean out gutters - Ensure gutters are clear of debris before fall leaf-dropping begins. Flush with water if needed.

  • Maintain landscaping - Prune shrubs and trees as needed. Weed and mulch gardens. Keep lawns healthy by mowing high, watering infrequently but deeply, and applying selective herbicides for weeds.

  • Check weather stripping - Replace any worn or damaged weather stripping around doors and windows to boost energy efficiency.

  • Inspect equipment - Check air conditioners, exhaust fans, outdoor lighting, and irrigation systems. Schedule a professional service for any repairs needed.

Fall Maintenance

Autumn brings cooler weather and these key maintenance tasks:

  • Clean gutters again - Remove leaves and debris to keep water flowing. Check downspouts too.

  • Drain exterior pipes and hoses - Prevent freezing and bursts by shutting off and draining exterior plumbing. Disconnect and store hoses.

  • Weatherproof windows and doors - Caulk and weatherstrip where needed to seal air leaks. Insulate window openings with plastic film or removable panels.

  • Store outdoor furniture - Place patio furniture, grills, cushions, and decor items in a shed or garage to protect them from winter elements.

  • Fertilize lawns - Apply phosphorous-free fertilizer to help lawns recover from summer and stay healthy through winter.

  • Plant fall bulbs - Beautify your yard with autumn crocuses, mums, and other fall-blooming bulbs.

  • Remove leaves - Stay on top of fallen leaves by regularly clearing walkways, beds, and lawns. Compost or bag for municipal pick-up.

  • Schedule chimney cleaning - Hire a pro to clean the fireplace chimney before using it for the cold months ahead.

Winter Maintenance

Don't neglect exterior maintenance just because it's cold out. Winter tasks include:

  • Inspect the roof and attic - Check for leaks and ensure the insulation is adequate. Ventilation is also key to prevent ice dams on the roof. Have a roofer address any issues.

  • Prune trees - Late winter is ideal for pruning many trees and shrubs while they are dormant.

  • Monitor snow buildup - Clear snow carefully from roofs, walkways, and decks to prevent damage. Remove icicles promptly for safety.

  • Keep gutters and drains clear - Prevent ice jams by ensuring gutters, downspouts, and drains stay open.

  • Check foundation vents - Clear any snow buildup blocking foundation vents to allow air circulation and prevent moisture damage.

  • Apply winter fertilizer - Use a winterizing or all-purpose fertilizer to strengthen lawns against cold weather and snow mold.

  • Inspect weather stripping - Check doors and windows for any additional air leaks and re-caulk or replace weather stripping as needed.

Paying attention to your home's exterior through all four seasons will keep it looking beautiful and prevent costly repairs down the road.