Rainy Day Ideas For Adults

It’s not just children who get bored when it’s rainy and you can’t go outside; many adults start to feel restless too, especially if they had planned to spend the day outdoors. Although adults might be able to hide their boredom better than children can, it still happens, and despite the fact that scientists say a little boredom is actually good for you, it’s still useful to have an arsenal of rainy day ideas that you, and perhaps a partner, can enjoy when need be. Read on for some great examples.


Movie Marathon 

When was the last time you spent an entire day snuggled up on the couch with plenty of snacks (including popcorn, of course) and drinks and finally watched all of those movies that have been on your ‘to watch list’ for months, or even years? You might not have time to watch everything you would like to – it’s just one day, after all – so you could split your list down into genres, actors, decades when the film was made, or anything else to help you choose. Just remember that, if you’re not enjoying the movie within the first 15 minutes or so, skip it and go onto the next; what is the point in watching something you don’t like? 

Although this might feel like a lazy kind of day, that’s exactly what is needed sometimes to recharge the batteries and slow you down a little. If rain is the catalyst to make this happen, so be it. 

Plan A Vacation 

There’s nothing quite like being stuck at home to make you realize how much you want to go on vacation, and a great rainy day idea for adults – or even the entire family if everyone wants to get involved – is to plan a vacation in minute detail. Don’t worry about the budget; you’re not going to be booking anything (unless you want to); this is purely an enjoyable exercise that will give you the chance to plan out the perfect vacation to anywhere in the entire world. 

Start with the destination in mind, then research the flights, the hotels, the activities you can do when you get there, and anything else. It will feel as though you could be sipping a blue lagoon cocktail by the side of a stunning landscaped pool in no time. 

Play Board Games 

We’re all so focused on our screens these days that the traditional board game can easily be forgotten, and yet it is such an ideal way to while away the hours that it really needs to be mentioned on this list, and brought back to be a reminder to everyone who needs to know. 

Make it really fun by designing a championship competition that can include a variety of different games from Scrabble to Monopoly to Pictionary to Clue and much more. Perhaps the winner can have dinner cooked for them (or that cocktail we mentioned made for them!) because there ought to be a worthwhile prize involved.