Quality Whiskeys You Can Get and Everything You Should Know About Them

Whiskey is one of the most popular alcoholic beverages around the world. It is enjoyed by all classes and creeds as one of the best ways to imbibe spirits. And there are many reasons for that. Whiskey has a bold flavor, it comes in many varieties, and it’s quite strong as well.

Venturing deeper into the world of whiskey products can be a little daunting at first. That’s because there are many different kinds of ingredients, classifications, aging methods, and variants. All of this can be a little overwhelming. Especially when the prices are so high and you don’t want to waste your money on an overpriced faker.

We’ve included a few things that you need to make smart whiskey purchases that result in the best flavor and drinking enjoyment that will be sure to impress your friends and family.

Not All Whiskeys Are the Same

The first thing to clear up is that not all whiskeys are the same. If you didn’t know already, whiskey is a very broad category of alcohol. This category includes moonshine, scotch, bourbon, and a variety of blends.

There are also several grain choices that have created the different kinds of whiskeys and a way to process the liquor in specific ways according to each whiskey’s nation of origin. Scotland, America, Ireland, Canada, and Japan have all successfully created whiskeys (Read Macallan harmony intense arabica review here )  that the world has come to adore.

Finally, whiskey is partially defined by the aging process that it undergoes to reach maturation. Whiskey requires years of aging in oaken barrels to produce the proper flavors that give it its characteristic flavor and color. The different methods of aging whiskey are a vital factor in determining the quality of the product.

Knowledge of the Key Varieties Is Essential

The first step in overcoming this hurdle of whiskey complexity is to start detailing the different varieties and how they get that way. The major determining factor between Scotch, Bourbon, Mash, and other kinds of whiskey is the grain or grains involved in the brewing process.

In spite of the basic classification of whiskey-based on grain selection, the nation of origin, or aging method, the term “whiskey” and its use is highly regulated by many different countries. There are specific ways you must classify a whiskey, these are based on its characteristics and those rules are unique to each country. This Is why wild turkey 101 is able to use the authentic claim of Kentucky Straight-Bourbon. Because it adheres to the specific classifications required, they are able to make the claim in the US, the nation that has the most authority when regulating bourbons. This is because bourbon is an American invention and the oldest brands come from there. 

Wheat, rye, oats, barley, and corn are all popular choices of grain selection for modern whiskeys. Most of the whiskeys are not purely a single grain but instead rely on a mix of grains to produce their flavor.

Rye whiskeys are mostly rye, which should be pretty obvious. Bourbon is sweeter and is composed mostly of corn. While scotch whiskey is made with barley. The quantities of grain determine whether a whiskey can be classified as a scotch, Tennessee Mash, bourbon, or a straight bourbon.


Aging Is About Development

Many people think that whiskey quality is all about age. There is some truth to it. After all, whiskey is an aged spirit by definition. But the notion of ‘longer is better’ is misplaced. Whiskey needs to be aged to become endowed with the amber essence and smokey flavor that it receives from the barrels in which it is aged. This is one of the major aspects of whiskey manufacturing.

However, whiskey doesn’t necessarily continue to improve indefinitely. That’s because it doesn’t necessarily become richer in flavor over time. The benefits of the aging process reach maturation and need to be ceased at the right time.

Manufacturers say that 6-10 years is an adequate time for a high-quality whiskey to mature. And more than 20 years is absolutely not necessary to produce great whiskey. It might even be detrimental to quality and flavor.

The barrel is very important as well. There are a few major choices of barrels and the results of the aging process vary based on which one is chosen. The barrel is usually made from oak. The major choices commonly employed are French and American oak barrels. The differences are hotly contested to this day but both produce the highest quality whiskey. 

Becoming a whiskey connoisseur doesn’t happen overnight. And definitely not after reading a single article. However, by getting started with the basics you are ready to dive in without looking entirely green. 

The essential thing to remember is that whiskey is made from several grains, distilled, and aged in oak barrels for around 10 years. The choice of grain and the aging process give it its characteristic flavor and color. Different nations define whiskey differently and they will staunchly defend their view so it helps to have a good idea of what the major definitions are. This staunch behavior is a testament to the passion of its fandom. If you have a good idea of the basic grain options, barrel choices, and names for the products, then you’re ready to dive in and learn a bit more about the world of whiskey.