Making Some Restaurant Worthy Dishes In Your Own Kitchen

If you can’t go out to eat at a restaurant right now, and you’re really missing the experience, it’s time to learn how to whip up some professional dishes within your own kitchen. After all, if you’re eating well, and you’re proud of your creations, you’re going to feel a lot happier in the long run! So, let’s go through some of the easiest recipes to start with below, and think about what makes them so professional grade.

Cooking with Multiple Ingredients

Multiple ingredient dishes are a lot more common these days, but it’s rare to find a home kitchen that throws more than two or three together at a time. After all, all those fruits, meats and vegetables cost money, and they don’t tend to last long either!


But if you know what you want to cook, you can buy exact portions and mix them up at once. For example, if you check out this ratatouille recipe here, not only will you be provided with a shopping list, but also a popular restaurant dish that’s perfectly easy to cook at home too. Why not invite a friend or two over and impress them with it? 

Flourishing with Some Garnish

Garnish is something we don’t think much about when cooking at home - after all, it’s not a real part of the meal, and most people just throw them aside. However, a good bit of garnish can dramatically improve both the taste and presentation of some common home cooked dishes, such as pies, roasts, and even ready meals. 

So be sure to stock up on common garnish types, such as herbs, for a hit of something a little different the next time you stick a chicken in the oven. There’s nothing quite like a complementary palette to chow down on, and your dinner will never taste better! And as long as you prepare your garnishes properly, there’s no harm in eating them too. 

Knowing What to Stock Up On

And finally, it’s time to hit the shops and get some staples for your wannabe professional kitchen. First of all, you’re going to want to keep a bottle of olive oil in the cupboard at all times, as well as a small bottle of vinegar, and some proper sea salt and black pepper pots. 

These are important cooking items for professional kitchens, as they’re healthy, enrich the flavor of food, and they keep for a good while. Make sure you’ve got some basic baking items as well, such as flour, sugar, and yeast, as you never know when you’re going to need to put a dough or a pastry together. And when it’s homemade, it tastes so much better!

Restaurant worthy dishes aren’t hard to put together when you know what you’re working with, and you’re ready to put a bit of time in. So learn how to cook with the best of them, and make sure someone is round to taste the fruit of your labors too.