Make Your Home Safe for Your Baby with This Helpful Guide for First-Time Moms

Welcoming a newborn baby into your life can be one of the best things to ever happen to you. Once your baby arrives, they will likely be your main focus all day every day, and their welfare will be your biggest priority. Even though you may think your home is the safest place your baby can be, many houses still contain a lot of hazards that may be dangerous for newborns. As a new mom, you need to make sure you take care of any hazards and secure the house fully in order to keep your baby safe and sound. Here are some helpful tips to make your home safe for your baby.

Fix Safety Straps

Newborns do not do much, but they are very squirmy and they can roll to their sides pretty quickly. That is why one of the first things you will need to do to ensure they are safe at home is to fix safety straps anywhere you plan to leave your baby lying on their back. Whether it is the crib or the changing table, it can only take your baby a couple of seconds to roll on their back and slide down the high piece of furniture so make sure you are prepared to avoid that risk. If your baby’s crib or changing table does not already come with a safety strap, then you can invest in a couple and fix them yourself in a few steps without any hassle. 

Invest in Baby Monitor

As a new mom, you will want to hold your baby all the time and keep an eye on them every second of the day, however, this will not always be possible as you will need to carry on with your life too. The best way to get some time to yourself and still keep an eye on your baby is to look into investing in baby monitors and placing them around the house. This way, you will be able to check on your baby in real-time if they are asleep or simply awake and playing in a different room while you do something else around the house or get some sleep yourself. 

Secure all Cabinets

Babies grow very quickly, and as they grow, they will start getting more and more curious and want to explore everything surrounding them. Once they start crawling, they can make their way to your cabinets and that can be incredibly dangerous on them as items can fall and hurt them badly. That is why it is important that you start securing all the cabinets from very early on so that you can rest assured your baby is safe as they grow older and more curious. Make sure you also fix any standing cabinets or other heavy furniture to the ground so that it does not shake or fall on your toddler. 

Remove Small Objects

Newborns like reaching out with their hands and grabbing anything around them then stuffing those items in their mouths. To avoid any risks, do a thorough house sweep and remove any small objects or choking hazards that you can find so that you can ensure whatever your baby grabs will not harm them. Any small object, no matter how harmless it may seem, can be hazardous to your baby. Keep all your valuables safely stored so that when your baby grows a little older and starts understanding that they should not grab such items, you can place your objects back in their original locations. 

Fix Safety Straps

Newborns do not do much, but they are very squirmy and they can roll to their sides pretty quickly. That is why one of the first things you will need to do to ensure they are safe at home is to fix safety straps anywhere you plan to leave your baby lying on their back. Whether it is the crib or the changing table, it can only take your baby a couple of seconds to roll on their back and slide down the high piece of furniture so make sure you are prepared to avoid that risk. If your baby’s crib or changing table does not already come with a safety strap, then you can invest in a couple and fix them yourself in a few steps without any hassle. 

Invest in Baby Monitor

As a new mom, you will want to hold your baby all the time and keep an eye on them every second of the day, however, this will not always be possible as you will need to carry on with your life too. The best way to get some time to yourself and still keep an eye on your baby is to look into investing in baby monitors and placing them around the house. This way, you will be able to check on your baby in real-time if they are asleep or simply awake and playing in a different room while you do something else around the house or get some sleep yourself. 

Secure all Cabinets

Babies grow very quickly, and as they grow, they will start getting more and more curious and want to explore everything surrounding them. Once they start crawling, they can make their way to your cabinets and that can be incredibly dangerous on them as items can fall and hurt them badly. That is why it is important that you start securing all the cabinets from very early on so that you can rest assured your baby is safe as they grow older and more curious. Make sure you also fix any standing cabinets or other heavy furniture to the ground so that it does not shake or fall on your toddler. 

Remove Small Objects

Newborns like reaching out with their hands and grabbing anything around them then stuffing those items in their mouths. To avoid any risks, do a thorough house sweep and remove any small objects or choking hazards that you can find so that you can ensure whatever your baby grabs will not harm them. Any small object, no matter how harmless it may seem, can be hazardous to your baby. Keep all your valuables safely stored so that when your baby grows a little older and starts understanding that they should not grab such items, you can place your objects back in their original locations. 


Clean Thoroughly 

Your home’s hygiene plays a huge part in how safe and healthy your baby can be, especially in their early days as they build their immunity system. As a new mom, it can be difficult to manage taking care of your baby and to keep the house clean all the time even though it is necessary. That is why you should try to use all the help you can get from your partner, friends, or family when it comes to keeping the place thoroughly cleaned for the baby. If you cannot manage to get everything sorted all at once, then at least make sure you clean the areas where your baby sleeps and eats as those areas usually house a lot of germs and bacteria. 

When you have a baby, they become your whole world and your motherly instinct will kick in, making you feel incredibly protective of them. The best way to keep your newborn safe is to keep your home clean, organized, and remove any obvious hazards from the surroundings. Make sure you ask for help when you need it and remember to secure any area where your baby may be. 

Clean Thoroughly 

Your home’s hygiene plays a huge part in how safe and healthy your baby can be, especially in their early days as they build their immunity system. As a new mom, it can be difficult to manage taking care of your baby and to keep the house clean all the time even though it is necessary. That is why you should try to use all the help you can get from your partner, friends, or family when it comes to keeping the place thoroughly cleaned for the baby. If you cannot manage to get everything sorted all at once, then at least make sure you clean the areas where your baby sleeps and eats as those areas usually house a lot of germs and bacteria. 

When you have a baby, they become your whole world and your motherly instinct will kick in, making you feel incredibly protective of them. The best way to keep your newborn safe is to keep your home clean, organized, and remove any obvious hazards from the surroundings. Make sure you ask for help when you need it and remember to secure any area where your baby may be.