Looking At Second Properties In Other States

If you are thinking of expanding out your property portfolio beyond New York, then you might want to think about some of the other states in the US that are worth considering. As it happens, there are a huge number of areas that you might want to look into, and it’s certainly true that some states are generally better than others when it comes to generally improving your chances of success with your portfolio. So let’s take a look at which states you might want to take a look at in this regard.


This is the state that very commonly comes top of the list when it comes to where to buy investment properties in the US. There are a lot of reasons why that might be the case. For one thing, it’s a huge holiday home place: just think of all the family activities there are to do, from the rides in Magic Kingdom to Universal. It’s also sunny and beautiful, and so many people love living there. So all in all, Florida is well worth thinking about when you want to expand your portfolio out. You won’t regret owning property here, especially as a buy-to-let situation.


The median price of a property in Arizona last year was around $580,000, so it’s a pretty strong contender for somewhere to look when you are buying a second property. You might find that there are a lot of properties here at any time you look, because it normally only takes 75 days or so for a property to be sold once it is on the market. Population growth is strong in most Arizona cities too, so it’s always likely to be a good bet. It’s definitely one state you might want to look into for new property to add to your portfolio.


If you are keen on trying to buy somewhere to rent out, but hopefully also move into yourself, you might want to think about Connecticut too. This is true middle-America, and there are a lot of areas in Connecticut which are really beautiful, quite genteel places. Tourism is relatively low compared to a lot of states, which is actually often a benefit when you are trying to find people to rent the place you’ve bought. So take a look at Connecticut and see if there is anything you might want to try out there.


Some of the things that bring people to California are recognisable from Florida, above. For instance, you can expect a lot of sun, many fun activities, and therefore the chance to gain a lot of interest in a rental property. And even if you just hold and buy, you’re in a good place, because the market in California is just going up and up. It’s well worth trying to buy somewhere there right now, to hopefully beat the curve and make some money further down the line.

Those are just the main states to consider, but they are really important to look into.