Jaw Health and Real Estate: The Unsuspected Link

Your interior decor is a surprising source of health boosts in day-to-day life. With the right decor, you can virtually feel your worries melt away at the wrong door. Mental health isn’t the only benefit of a mindful interior. Nowadays, millions of Americans complain about health conditions that are directly linked to indoor air pollution. Synthetic fabrics and chemical components are some of the most significant sources of indoor pollution. In other words, it is no secret that your home can influence your health. Headache, stress, depressive disorders are some of the conditions that your interior can trigger. But there is more to your interior. What would you say if you were told that your home could be causing you jaw pain?


Reduce stress levels

Promoting mental wellness at home has become a priority in recent times. The pandemic situation exacerbates stress and anxiety levels. Mindful decor choices can have a significant impact on your mood. It makes sense to incorporate color schemes and decor themes that create a peaceful haven. Prioritizing neutral color palettes, for instance, is more likely to have a soothing effect. On the other hand, some violent color combinations or clashing decor styles could enhance stress levels, leading to elevated blood pressure and disturbed sleep. If you go to bed without releasing stress levels, you might find yourself struggling with prolonged teeth grinding at night. Unfortunately, in the long term, teeth grinding can lead to lower jaw pains. 

Decrease air humidity levels

Joint health plays a significant role in the early development of arthritis. Contrary to common belief, arthritic conditions are not caused by old age. They appear as a result of an inflammation of the joint area. While the inflammation is more likely to occur through recurring damage, it can happen to anybody and at any age. Since water is a big component of the joint anatomy, high humidity levels can lead to chronic joint pain if the area is already sensitive. Chronic pain can aggravate the deterioration of the cartilage around the area and even facilitate conditions such as TMJ, which affects the jaw. Specialists of TMJ pain treatment encourage homeowners to remove risks of inflammation by keeping humidity levels underneath 30%. In old properties, the addition of a dehumidifier is essential. Regular ventilation can help renew the air and avoid moisture build-up. Finally, you may find that the addition of moisture-absorbing houseplants can help eradicate your jaw pain. 

Remove allergens inside your interior

Sinusitis is a condition where the sinuses are inflamed. Most people associate the chronic disease with hay fever. However, your home could also lead to sinus irritation. Indoor air pollution, for instance, can gradually weaken your sinus health, which can lead to pressure, sore throat, and jaw pain. The upper jaw sits just underneath your sinuses. Houseplants are also an appropriate and elegant solution to capture toxins in the air. It can be a good idea to add an air filter to get rid of toxic particles. 

In conclusion, interior decor choices can affect your jaw and lead to unpleasant pain. Creating a space that promotes health and relaxation can transform your experience significantly.