Is Your Partner Having Trouble Sleeping? These Handy Tips Might Help

It can be difficult seeing the person you love suffer and when they are struggling to sleep at night, it can start weighing on your mind and sleep routine as well. Whether you sleep straight through the night, or their tossing and turning is disturbing you, you might be concerned about helping your partner get a good night’s sleep. If that’s the case, then give this article a read. We’re going to go through some handy tips that might help your partner catch some much needed Z’s at last! 

Get your bedroom environment just right 

The first thing to consider is whether your bedroom environment is supportive of a good night’s sleep. While there could be many reasons contributing to your partner’s trouble with sleeping, ensuring that your bedroom is designed to facilitate sleep is essential. So, what constitutes the ideal sleeping environment?

  • Cool, quiet, and dark

  • Clean and clutter-free

  • Dust-free

  • Buy a quality mattress

  • Soft pillows and a premium duvet 

  • Enough space to spread out and feel comfortable 

How big is your bed? Do you both have enough space to sleep comfortably? And when was the last time you bought a new mattress? Is it time for an upgrade? Take stock of your bedroom environment and consider optimising it to promote healthier sleep for the both of you. 

Communicate with them 

It could be that your partner’s lack of sleep is due to stress. Try to communicate with them and find out if you can help with anything they have on their mind at the moment. A problem shared is a problem halved after all. Perhaps there is something that your partner is struggling with and they don’t want to burden you. Find a quiet time to speak with them and see if there is anything that you can do to help ease them. 

Introduce a no-technology rule 

Is your partner in the habit of sitting on their phone for several hours in bed? Perhaps their addiction to their smart-phone could be contributing to their restlessness. Why not suggest a no-technology in the bedroom rule? It is certainly worth trialling at the very least. 

Encourage more sex before bed 

Sexual climax is great for preparing the body for rest. While your partner may not necessarily be in the mood for sex every night before bed, there are plenty of couple’s sex toys in Australia that you can use together whenever you are feeling it. It’s not an instant fix, but it can bring you both closer together and the added benefits of having a goodnight orgasm certainly can’t hurt. 

Look at their lifestyle 

Does your partner drink and smoke excessively? What is their diet like at the moment? Are they drinking caffeine late in the evening and having late-night snacks? These are all things that can be contributing to their lack of sleep. Look at their lifestyle and try talking to them about some positive changes that they can make in order to help with their sleeping pattern. Just try not to force anything, and approach the subject from a position of love and support. 

Speak to a professional 

Again, there could be any number of reasons contributing to your partner’s inability to get a good night’s sleep. If you are worried and you’re not quite sure what to do about it then consider seeking professional help. Ask them to speak to their GP and have a general check-up to rule out any potential health problems and then go from there.