How to Take Your Passion for Home Renovations to the Next Level

Breathing fresh new life into a tired home or just improving the flow and functionality of a space is at the heart of a good home renovation. It can, however, be quite a big task with many moving parts. Fundamentally, it’s one that should be meticulously planned and budgeted for, whether it’s your own home or you’re offering a home renovation service to others. There are many aspects of art, design and our modern world that can be a source of inspiration for a home renovation. Here are four things that learning about and becoming familiar with can really elevate your home renovation passion to the next level.


Learn About Interior Design

There are a lot of ways to learn about interior design and equally a lot of ways to approach learning more about it. Perhaps the best place to start is with the basic principles. These basic interior design principles are balance, rhythm, harmony, emphasis and proportion. These five words form somewhat of a basis that all interior design stems from. Balance, for example, addresses the need for combinations of symmetry and asymmetry, like putting two sofas opposite each other in a room, but breaking it up by placing their end tables at opposite ends. It also gives credence to radial balance or creating focal points in a room. When you start learning more about it, Interior design is about more than just matching colours or finding incredible artworks.

Wise Up About Safety

If you find yourself renovating older homes, you might come across some dangerous materials used in the past for construction that we have now discovered to be toxic. These materials, such as asbestos, should be treated with a healthy dose of caution and understanding on how to safely remove or dispose of these materials. One of the things that you’ll encounter in homes built before 1978 is lead paint, which you need to be particularly careful of. Read this article here for some great tips on dealing with lead paint during a home renovation from experts in the field.

Apply Colour Theory

Colour theory has a few different aspects to it – both in the use of combinations of colours and what the colours themselves represent and the emotions they might bring out in us. By having a deep working understanding of colour theory and how to apply it in your renovations, you’ll find yourself on good footing. The colour wheel can, to an extent, take a lot of the guesswork out of colour theory for you but take some time to learn the difference between an analogous colour match and a complementary one.

Home renovation starts with the ability to cleverly reimagine existing spaces and applying the theories of interior design with an eye for detail on everything from new wood grains to colour palettes, all while maintaining a good head for safety. It can feel like a juggling act, but when the last paint drip sheets are removed and the last dust settles, you’ll never look back.