How to Start a Podcast on a Topic You Enjoy

If you are certain that creating a podcast is a good idea for you, you may be wondering what you need to do to get started. The following are a few steps to follow when starting a podcast on a topic you love.



Planning is the first and one of the most important parts of the process. You will need to spend some time on this stage before moving on. Picking a topic is one of the most important parts of the planning process. Choose something that you enjoy and can speak about for a long time. Your topic should be narrow enough to appeal to a specific audience. 

If you need a co-host, include them in the planning process. Podcasting with a co-host can improve your experience. Pick a name for your podcast and decide on the show format. There are lots of hosting platforms and you need to choose the best one for your needs. Think about the length and style of your podcast in advance. Whether you choose a six-hour or 30-minute long podcast, ensure that you have a plan to maintain the attention of your audience. The secret is having the right format.

While interview-style podcasts are popular, you can choose a different style. You can choose to do it alone for the first half of the show and leave the other half for your co-host.

Cover Art

Create cover art that represents you and creates a good first impression. It is the image of your show that people see. There are plenty of designers that can create a draft for you leaving you to choose your best options.

Pay Attention to the Intro

Choose the right intro music and high-quality voice-overs Consider letting a third party introduce you. It increases your perceived value significantly and may help you stand out.

Create a List of Guests

If you plan on doing an interview show, create a list of your potential guests and start contacting them. There are lots of services that can make scheduling easier for you. Guests can book on your calendar at convenient times.

Recording and Editing

If you have no experience with editing software, take time to get familiar with them. Without the right editing software and knowledge, even the simplest actions can seem intimidating. Find software that allows you to add music, handles audio cleanup, and makes it easy to put audio segments together.



Once you have the right editing software, create a script. It helps you determine what you will say and how you will say it. However, your script does not need to be a comprehensive essay with word-for-word details of your episode. Podcasting is considered intimate and your listeners should feel like you are having a conversation with them rather than reading from a book. If you need a full script at the start, wean yourself off with time.

Record Your First Episode

Record your intro and first episode and ensure that you have a good track to record to. If you have remote guests or a co-host, record your chat with them. Skype and Zoom may be great options to record them. There are lots of tools that may help you record both parties live on their computer. The audio is not compressed for online broadcast so you do not have to deal with connection glitches.

Talking into your mic is the most difficult part of the process. Imagine that you are talking to someone in the room and give your imaginary audience a persona. The persona should represent your ideal listener. Some podcast creators go as far as creating hobbies, jobs, family, friends, and names for their personas. That way, your listeners will feel like you are talking directly to them. Being a great speaker includes vocal warm-ups, finding the right voice, and mic technique.

Edit the Episode

Edit your episode to improve its sound. Since everyone has a different voice, you may need different settings for different people. Choose a good track to work with and pick the right software.

Pick a Host and Upload

There are lots of platforms and finding the right one can be difficult. Do your research and pick the most appropriate one. Upload the first episode and pay attention to how people receive it.  

There are plenty of reasons to start a podcast. They are fun and you get the chance to talk about topics that may be important to you. Fortunately, starting a podcast is not as difficult as it may seem. With some effort and commitment, anyone can do it. Visit to learn how to start your podcast.