How to Prepare Yourself for Exercising After a Long Period of Inactivity?

We all have those periods of inactivity, after which it's time to start exercising again. Everyone who has been active and stopped knows how hard it is to return to their old selves again. It takes ten times more willpower and dedication to get back in shape.

As time passes and we become older, our bodies reduce their ability to recover fast, and our strength becomes weaker. We easily gain weight, and we fail in our attempts to do things we used to achieve with ease.

If you've been inactive for a long time and want to go back to exercise, you must be fully prepared. It's not as simple as it used to be. Your body will surely try to keep the status quo and enjoy the freedom of not moving and relaxing. However, you need to push the buttons and do what needs to be done.

In this article, we share the few essentials you will need to successfully go back to track and not quit after a few days, as most people would. We will share a few tips, and you should just follow the list if you want to make it. Follow up and see what these things are.

1. Get yourself a few pairs of leggings

Before going anywhere, you need to get a few pairs of leggings you'll use throughout the week. Leggings prevent your legs from rubbing and are the most comfortable piece of clothing that is perfect for workouts.

Look for stores and websites that sell leggings in Australia or wherever in the world you are located, and get yourself multiple different ones. Aside from working out and feeling good, you also want to look cool, and the leggings are definitely going to provide this for you.

2. Sports bra is also a must

If you're a woman, a sports bra is also a must. Similarly to the leggings, the sports bra will keep everything in its place. It will prevent excessive sweating and won't allow the sweat to drip down your body. Instead, it will absorb and provide a comfortable workout session.

Lately, men have been wearing sports bras too. These specialized bras for men are equipped with multiple tech items measuring their performance, but they do not have a physical advantage or ease the movement and the workouts. You probably don't need one if you're not a woman.

3. Download an exercise app on your phone

Motivation is the biggest problem when you go back to exercise after a long time. You may find time and energy for a couple of workouts, but after this, your mind and body will urge you to go back to the comfortable state you were in for such a long time.

If you want to motivate yourself, it's best to download a sports app that will track your movement, incentivize you to train harder, and last longer. If you're going for a run, the app will always try and motivate you to break your records, and if you're lifting weights, it will measure how many calories you're burning by doing it.

Sync your phone with the app and the smartwatch, and you're getting fully functional training equipment that will take care of your progress. When you decide to give yourself a rest, the app will show you how much you're missing and why it's essential to train.

4. Get yourself a pair of AirPods

A pair of AirPods will help you get through the exercise seamlessly. Music can be so motivational and relaxing. If you're struggling to finish what you started, the music in your ears can make you do it.

The AirPods are excellent because they have no cords to give you issues while exercising. They are connected directly to your smartphone, so even changing the tunes is simple and quick. Mark the AirPods as part of the essential equipment when going exercising.

5. New comfortable shoes are a must

Most workouts start with a warm-up cardio session. The best cardio exercise to activate your body is running. Every workout requires at least some time on the treadmill, and some people make their entire workouts consist of running.

Only 20 minutes of running daily are enough to keep yourself in shape. That means owning a great pair of running shoes is a must. Invest in excellent sport's shoes. If you don't have great shoes, your feet will hurt, and you may quit before you even start your fitness recovery.


These five points are just enough to realize what you must do if you want to see yourself back on track. Physical activity is essential to be healthy, but it's hard to start over once you stop. Follow the abovementioned points, and you'll be back in shape fast.