How to Overcome Age Restrictions When Booking Hotels at 18

As a young adult planning to travel, you will likely encounter some complications when booking hotels. Most hotels prefer dealing with clients over 21 years, and some go up to 25 years. This is due to repetitive damage to hotel property, noise complaints, inappropriate behavior, or loud parties by young adults, so they opt for a more mature clientele. Party destinations typically have tighter restrictions than other areas. So, let’s see how we can bypass these restrictions.

1.   Research and communication

Before planning a visit to a particular destination, research the hotels and the kind of rules that they have set up. The restrictions tend to differ depending on the location. For instance, New York hotels' rules differ from those in Toronto. These restrictions will mostly be put up on the hotel websites online, so it would be easier to do this. If their online platforms are not clear enough, feel free to make an inquiry call to the institution. This will prevent inconveniences and issues if you book it and are later denied entrance due to your age limit. If you have settled for the particular hotel, make sure to have a conversation with the receptionist to foster some trust that you are mature enough to be allowed to host in that institution.

2.   Recommendations and Preferences

If you have ever stayed in other hotels, you can provide references that you are a responsible individual for consideration. References are good at building credibility and trust. This will help them get easier on you.

3.   Have a valid credit card

Having a valid credit card registered under your name is a good way to earn favors from the hotel. It shows a sense of financial responsibility and assures the hotel that you can cover the cost of any damages you may cause. It also shows that you can cover the costs of your stay there.

4.   Book When There Is Less Traffic

Hotels are more likely to be strict with their rules and regulations when many clients come in. They will more likely take in older adults as there is more security and fewer issues to deal with. When traffic is low, hotels can bend their rules and regulations to accommodate you since clients are low, and they might need to meet the cost of being up and running.

5.   Register as a Group Stay

Many hotels require one person to meet the minimum age requirement to book a stay with them. If you are traveling with family or friends, consider booking under their names to reduce the effort you must put in to acquire a room. This is usually handled in a different way hence saving you the trouble of age restriction.

6.   Consider Alternatives

If traditional hotels prove difficult and draining to procure, you can opt for some alternative accommodation options. Youth hostels, vacation hostels, and boutique hostels may be more accommodating.

You can overcome age restrictions in many ways, so do proper research, consider the number of people you are competing against, and offer preferences. If the process gets a bit too much, it is more than okay to consider different alternatives for acquiring hosting.