How to Make Your Bedroom Eco-Friendly and Healthy

Making an effort to live a more eco-friendly life is always encouraged. To this day, human consumption continues to wreak havoc on the different ecosystems surrounding us. Even though most of us don’t do this intentionally, it is still a significant issue causing several problems around the world. 

We can do our part in saving the environment by checking the products we buy and the materials we use for our homes. When it comes to the safe haven of our bedroom, we should find ways to make it eco-friendly and healthy, while still maintaining the level of calmness and relaxation we need. Read on to learn about the steps you can take to turn your bedroom into a cozy and eco-friendly space.


Clean Your Room with Non-Toxic Products

Most people forget that cleaning their bedrooms can be harmful to the environment if they use harsh cleaning products that have toxins in them. This is why you should opt against using any type of chemical products in the bedroom. You should start checking the labels and brands because most cleaning products have high levels of chemicals that cover your bedroom in toxins and affect the air quality. 

These products might make you feel that your room is clean, but it’s quite the opposite. They can cause several respiratory problems over time, and they’re harmful to the environment. Not only can investing in eco-friendly cleaning products keep you safe, but they can also lower the levels of pollution in the world. You can still keep your bedroom squeaky clean if you use these safe alternatives instead.  

Replace Your Entire Linen and Bedding Collection

You need to think about replacing your entire linen and bedding collection. Traditional linen bedding needs high levels of energy and water to produce. Plus, the cotton used in making them usually has pesticides and insecticides from the early stages before they were harvested for production. 

This makes linen bedding terrible for the environment, so you need to consider getting organic towels, eucalyptus bed sheets, and mattress fabrics that are eco-friendly and cause no skin irritation. Eco-products like these are perfect for people that have sensitive skin because organic fabrics have no pesticides in them at all. Moreover, they use 30% less energy and 96% less water to produce, making them great for both your health and the environment. You can expect extra comfort levels and fewer cases of skin irritation when you switch to natural bedding.

Choose Furniture that Can Be Recycled

You can try to be more responsible by picking the right furniture for your room that can be repurposed and recycled. This type of furniture was made to be sustainable and environmentally safe to use for extended periods. Some people prefer to replace their old furniture; however, you can always opt for materials that you can recycle easily, such as bamboo. 

Bamboo is easier to grow than other types of wood. It’s also better to use for mass production of furniture because it doesn’t cause as much pollution during the manufacturing process. You can save some money while helping the environment at the same time by picking used or secondhand furniture that you can refurbish and quickly bring back to life. Your bedroom’s décor will still be stylish and unique with recyclable furniture.

Being Smart with Appliances and Electricity

Everyone should be smart with their appliances and electricity consumption. The choices you make can have a huge impact on the environment. You need to use planet-friendly light bulbs and always unplug the standby appliances when you’re not using them. LED and CFL light bulbs can save you a lot of energy, as they consume around 75% less energy than your traditional light bulbs. 

As for candles, you can start using beeswax candles because they are non-toxic and smoke-free. This will save you a lot on the electricity bill if you just need minimal lighting in the room during certain times of the day. Making these small changes in your bedroom can go a long way in reducing pollution and helping restore the balance to the environment.


Whether it’s the polluted air, global warming, or the contaminated waters, we need to find ways to reverse the damage we caused to the environment. Changing your lifestyle and the products you use at home is easier than you might think. The smallest changes will go a long way because every little step counts when it comes to the greater good of the planet. So, start implementing these changes today to transform your bedroom into an eco-friendly space, and consider applying those changes to other areas of your home as well. Make sure to eliminate toxins, whether in your cleaning products, furniture, fabrics, etc., from your home to stay healthy and help heal the environment.