How to Keep a Happy Dog in a Small Home

While most dogs love to jump, bounce, and run around, that doesn’t mean you can’t keep a happy dog in a smaller home – it just takes a little more work. If you know what a dog needs, you can give them a positive life in a variety of environments, including small apartments and tiny homes. 

Feed Them Well 

You don’t need a large home to provide your dog with a good diet. Your goal is to fit in all the nutrients a dog needs to feel energetic and healthy, and that can be done with natural, fresh, canned food – have a look at the advantages of naturals dog food for more information on giving your dog healthy meals. After all, your tail-wagging friend deserves the best there is! 

Take Them on Plenty of Walks 

In a small home, your dog won’t get as much exercise throughout the day, so make up for this by taking them on plenty of walks. If your dog is particularly energetic, then fit one in in the morning, in the middle of the day, and then one later on in the evening. It’ll give them a chance to stretch their legs, explore, and embrace the fresh air – all the activities that dogs need to stay happy. 

Provide Lots of Toys for the Home 

Your dog doesn’t need loads of room for stimulation as there are plenty of toys you can buy that’ll provide that even in a small space. Get them some soft toys, chews, and balls to keep them entertained, and they’ll find fun ways to pass the time. You could even hide small treats in certain toys to give them a challenge! 

Create a Designated Dog Space 

Your dog needs a space in the home where they feel protected and safe, so find one for them and make it theirs. It doesn’t have to be large – a simple corner with its toys and cushions is enough so that they can go there whenever they feel like being alone. 

Hire a Pet Sitter/Walker

If you own a dog in a small home and you’re out most of the day, then you should hire a dog sitter or walker. Most dogs can’t be left too long anyway, but they’ll become even more stressed if there’s little room to stretch their legs and no one around to play with. 

Have a look around for a local dog sitter and walker to give your dog exercise, stimulation, and fun in the middle of the day. Don’t worry – they’ll still be excited to see you! 

Let Them on the Couch 

The space is already small enough without limiting where your dog can go. It is understandable to want them off your bed, but if you have a small place, then it’s better to allow them to snuggle up with you on the couch. 

There are sofas and sofa covers you can purchase to make the cleaning experience easier if you’re worried about fur! 

Your dog deserves the best life possible, and you can give them that no matter how small your home is.