How to Host a Successful Wine Tasting Party

There are many reasons why one would want to host a wine tasting party. It’s not only a trendy and classy event, it’s also a great way to spend time with your associates and business colleagues. Such an event has the potential to impress your friends and coworkers regardless of background. And it can be a lot of fun!

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Wine tasting parties are typically more upscale, but they don’t have to be. There are lots of different wines that are more affordable. And don’t forget, it’s also a party. It doesn’t need to be a stuffy event for wealthy New Englanders. Make it your event and cater to your guest’s likes.

It’s Not Just About The Wine

It’s also about the party. And every party needs a few things to be done right and to ensure everyone has a good time. You definitely shouldn’t ignore the basic elements of a party just because you got a bottle of Screaming Eagle. After all, high-quality wine drank from a plastic dixie cup while listening to Tom Petty isn’t going to impress your friends and family. Well, unless it does, and then that’s perfect.

Here are some of the basics you should consider when putting together your next wine tasting party:

  • Proper glassware and plenty of it

  • All kinds of wine equipment

  • A music playlist

  • Cheeses, grapes, and deli meats (or some other food that’s appropriate for the crowd)

  • A spit bucket if it’s that kind of wine party

  • A detailed printout or brochure of the wines to be sampled

  • Post-sampling activities

  • Atmosphere

When you have a wine tasting party, the glassware can elevate a cheap wine or ruin even the most expensive wine. Invest in the right kind of glassware so you can benefit from the full range of aroma and palate sensations. And make sure you’ve got plenty to go around. Several guests plus several wines equal a lot of glasses, and you don’t want to be running to the kitchen to wash up after every round.


To do it right, you need a lot of equipment. That includes a corkscrew, a chilling bucket, a pouring towel, a sommelier (just kidding), and a way to seal the bottles to preserve for later if you don’t finish them. Or better yet, invest in a wine dispensing unit. These units store and dispense wine while also preserving the bottle ad infinitum. WineEmotionUSA does a good job of reviewing and comparing various models and their benefits. Investing in one of those bad boys will raise your wine cred tremendously. 

You’ll need music to set the mood. Now, you just need to decide what that mood should be. That’s up to you and your guests. It’s probably not the best idea to choose a death metal playlist to sample your wine too, but then that’s up to you and your guest’s preferences. Remember, while you need a lot of standard equipment, a wine tasting party doesn’t need to be the standard stuffy event. Change it up to please and impress the particulars of your company.

Food is important. Not only do classic foods such as cheese, which help with tasting and palate sensations, but they also stave off drunkenness and upset the stomach. Anyways, your guests are bound to get hungry. So stock up on something a little bit heavier for some after-the-event dining.

Wine tasting can be confusing. That’s why it helps to have a written informative printout or brochure to help your guests remember and look for certain flavors. There is a lot of information about a single bottle of wine. These include flavor descriptors, origins of the wine, cultivation and processing methodology, name, and type of wine. This is all very confusing and hard to follow for one bottle of wine, much less 5 or more. 

You should have some post-sampling activities planned out. Regardless of whether you’re drinking the wine or spitting it out like the proper vineyard experience, some guests are going to want to hang around for a bit after it’s all over. Like any good party, make sure there is an afterparty plan. The list of things you could do are endless and vary based on you and your guest’s tastes.

And perhaps most importantly, make sure everything comes together to create an atmosphere that is conducive to the activity. Set the mood, attend to your guest’s needs, provide alcohol, and your party should go off without a hitch.

When planning your wine tasting event, it’s important to plan carefully and consider several aspects. Don’t worry though, now you’re prepared. If you find a good place to host the event, provide appropriate equipment, set up the atmosphere, and ply your guests with liquor, you’ll go down as the best party host in your social circle.