How to Fight Addiction during COVID-19

People that are struggling with drug addiction need support during uncertain times. Whether a person is in active addiction or recovery, they need assistance and support. In most cases, isolation is a major factor that fuels addiction. On the other hand, recovery is nurtured by connections. Being surrounded by people that understand the predicaments and experiences of an addict enhances their social, spiritual, and emotional wellness.

Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed how the world operates. Today, most people are adhering to self-quarantining and physical distancing measures. That’s because nobody wants to catch the novel coronavirus or spread it to their loved ones. But, social isolation is devastating for individuals that are fighting addiction.

When fighting addiction, most individuals need face-to-face interactions regularly. These interactions were initially provided at addiction treatment facilities where condition addictions are managed. Without these interactions, some individuals are at a higher risk of relapsing. Luckily, some facilities have provided drug abuse hotline that individuals can call for assistance.

But, the experience can still be challenging for people that are fighting addiction or recovering during the COVID-19 pandemic. This article explains how you or a loved one can fight addiction during the coronavirus pandemic.

Understand that Addiction Increases the Risk for Coronavirus

Addiction is a mental illness that hinders the ability of a person to make sober decisions. This can increase their risk of getting the novel coronavirus. What’s more, addiction can lower the immunity of a person’s body to dangerous microorganisms. Therefore, be careful if you’re fighting addiction during the COVID-19 pandemic because your risk for developing the disease might be higher.

Nevertheless, most treatment facilities are taking precautionary and safety measures. These include asking people to call rehab before visiting. When a person makes a call before visiting, the facility can make proper arrangements to prevent crowds that can increase the risk of developing the disease.

Adhere to CBD Guidelines

When fighting addiction during COVID-19, make sure that you adhere to the guidelines provided by medical experts. The Centers for Disease Control is always providing guidelines that healthcare facilities and members of the public should follow to prevent the spread of coronavirus. This is a highly valuable medical advice when it comes to preventing coronavirus from spreading.

Therefore, look for a facility that complies with the CDC guidelines when seeking addiction treatment. Such guidelines should include washing hands diligently and observing physical distancing measures. The staff at the addiction treatment facility should take precautions when providing treatment. This will ensure that people that visit the facility do not infect them or leave with the virus.

Screening for Symptoms

If you seek treatment for addiction during COVID-19, make sure that the facility that you visit screens its potential clients before admission. For instance, the facility should conduct virtual assessments or phone interviews before it admits clients. A facility that has provided an addiction helpline that patients must use before visiting is taking the pandemic seriously.

Performing a thorough evaluation of the physical symptoms of every patient is a great way to prevent the novel coronavirus from spreading. Common symptoms of COVID-19 that treatment facilities should look for include fever, cough, sore throat, headache, and shortness of breath. Any prospective client showing these symptoms should be advised to go for further examination and treatment before they visit the addiction treatment facility.

Knowledge of COVID-19

It’s crucial to know more about COVID-19 when fighting addiction during this pandemic. COVID-19 has been classified as a respiratory disease. But, it does not always start by revealing itself in the patient’s lungs. For most people, the initial symptoms of COVID-19 include diarrhea, nausea, and headaches. These symptoms can overlap with those of alcohol or drug withdrawal. Thus, it’s difficult for some people to know whether they are suffering from alcohol and drug withdrawal or they have contracted COVID-19.

As such, the rehab facility that you seek help from should be knowledgeable about how this disease presents itself. When you call the drug help hotline, the staff at the facility should answer all your questions, including those related to COVID-19.

Utilization of Virtual Communication

It’s not a must you visit a treatment facility to fight addiction during the COVID-19 pandemic. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, for instance, helps individuals that are fighting alcoholism find telehealthcare by video chat or phone. That means patients can use such services or resources to quit or reduce their drinking.

Several rehab facilities are also providing outpatient services via telehealth appointments and support groups. As such, outpatient clients do not have to leave home to receive help. Instead, they just use their phones or computers to connect with the staff at the treatment facility.

Essentially, you can use technology to connect with the staff at the treatment facility. You can also use the same technology to keep in touch with loved ones and avoid feeling isolated and lonely. This prevents the risk of developing COVID-19. So, if you’re fighting addiction during this pandemic, choose a facility that uses virtual communication to provide outpatient services.

Regular Monitoring

It’s crucial to choose a facility that monitors clients and staff members for COVID-19 symptoms daily. A rehab facility needs healthy staff to continue providing treatment and support to patients. As such, it should monitor its staff’s health daily.

The staff of an addiction treatment facility should be monitored for the symptoms of COVID-19 daily. This ensures that if a staff member has contracted the virus is isolated and treated before they infect other facility members or even patients.

The Bottom Line

Fighting addiction during the COVID-19 pandemic is not easy. However, this should not be a reason to keep drowning until you hit rock bottom. Whether you’re fighting addiction or in your recovery journey, you can overcome the problem by seeking help from the right facility. Choose a rehab center that provides a drug hotline number that you can call at any time. That way, you will avoid visiting the facility whenever you need assistance. Instead, you make a phone call or use other methods to virtually communicate with the staff at the facility.