How To Effectively Make Your Lips Look Younger And Healthier

Few don’t dream of parading a pair of luscious, plump smackers. But how does one realistically and effectively achieve this desire? There are a series of tips, both seemingly obvious and, perhaps not, that promise brilliant ways to enhance your lips. If you are tired of tried and failed methods, and looking for a sustainable and healthy way to increase the longevity and youth of your lips, then look no further as this is for you.

Sun Damage

Our big fiery friend in the sky, Mr. Sun is no friend of your lovely lips. The sun is one of the biggest culprits behind prematurely aged and chapped lips. The harm of the rays does severe damage to this sensitive, often unprotected, area of skin. Interestingly, your lower lip is 12 times more likely to burn than your bottom lip. Sun damage to your lips can also increase your risk of mouth cancer, so there is an urgent need to protect yourself from the harsh rays. For more information on skin cancer and how to prevent it, you can read up on  So what can be done to protect our sun-vulnerable lips?

Go for lip products such as balms or ointments that include an SPF of at least factor 30 in the ingredients. Applying such products needs to become a habit as this area of our body is constantly moist from eating, drinking, and talking so it needs to be a regular reapplication process. A hat that covers your entire face when out in the sun for extended periods is also a way to combat the harmful rays.

Fill ‘Er Up

Naturally, with aging, the area around our lips begins to sag and lose its supple appearance. This is due to the loss of elasticity and collagen in the area. The result is often an increase in the fine creases surrounding our mouths, lip lines. Getting rid of them is a lot easier than you may think. There are various collagen-containing fillers available on the market. The type of filler you choose will likely depend on factors like how long it will last, the price, and reviews from other customers.

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Hydrate Yourself

It might seem obvious, but we can’t stress it enough: water, water, and more water! Keeping yourself sufficiently hydrated has a direct impact on the amount of moisture in your lips. When you are dehydrated, your body searches for water and one of the places it will draw from is your lips. So keep chugging.

Keep It Natural

Many lip products on the market feel ultra-smooth and creamy upon application but contain harmful ingredients that have the opposite effect than intended. Certain chemicals cause your lips to feel soft and lubricated while drying them out further and causing you to become dependent on the product for that instant relieving and soothing feel. Toss aside the harmful ingredients, and let’s go back to nature with all things natural and organic. Your simple coconut butter, beeswax, and shea butter are all brilliant places to start. If cost is a concern, then there are numerous ways you can make a homemade natural balm. For a recipe idea, check out

Fiddle Less

It might seem obvious, but the other main culprit in the battle against our lips is ourselves! Our incessant picking and/or chewing of our lips, which is often a result of stress and anxiety, is a major cause of damage to the soft tissue area. Sometimes this habit is unconscious and before we know it, we spot ourselves in the mirror with a bleeding lip of our own doing. Finding ways to keep your hands or teeth busy such as using a stress ball or chewing gum can help to alleviate some of that excess, restless energy.

Smokers, Beware!

We use our mouths constantly. To eat, breathe, talk, and laugh. So adding an extra, muscular-taxing exercise like smoking is just another stress to our already-busy lips. Years of smoking can cause severely etched lip lines that can potentially undo all of our hard efforts to protect ur youthful lips. Time to ditch the cigs, if not for your lungs, then do it for your lips!


Our lips are very delicate and prone to the harsh impact of damage and aging. However, this does not mean there is nothing to be done to nourish and enhance them. There are a variety of ways one can preserve lips, ranging from habit changes to lifestyle additions and modifications. See what changes you can incorporate into your life to keep those smackers juicy.