How To Become a Winner of Economic Growth in 2021?

The COVID-19 pandemic has turned our world upside down. It had a considerable impact not only on our social life but also on the market. Lots of people lost their jobs, mostly those working in the entertainment or food industries. The whole economy has been slowing down steadily for over a year now. A global financial recession is becoming a bigger threat every day, with every new lockdown that gets announced. Fortunately, the vaccines are already developed and ready to be used. In a few months, we can expect a slow return to the pre-pandemic style of life. These are excellent news for a lot of small business owners and their employees. 

Meanwhile, some other branches started booming during COVID-19. Here are just a few examples. 

Tech & IT

Tech workers are crucial for every company dealing with online services. They are the foundation of both hardware and software; because of their work, you can work from home and chill out near the pool, eating BBQ from one of the top commercial smokers you can buy. IT workers ensure that remote working and all the associated systems are running smoothly. 

IT workers are also one of the most adaptable to remote work, so they should have no problem finding a job. Most employers are not looking for a degree in their tech employees. The skills you have to gain are open for free to everyone willing to learn. To become a web developer or a computer programmer, all you have to do is start learning and practice your language of choice. When you don't have a degree, potential employers may have to evaluate your style and skills, so it is essential to have some portfolio to show.

Online Business Basics

When running a business online, you have to face the fact that it is quite likely that your enterprise will go international. In the 21 century, interconnectedness is a relevant factor. With business borders being wide open, cheaper shipping costs, and the growing significance of remote services, there is no need to look for a job only in your homeland. Even without too much experience, but equipped with the knowledge of specialized programs like Google Ads or social media management software you can easily find a new career path. The accessibility to courses and schools is growing every day, so you will have no problem finding whatever suits you best. You can also try card sorting ux. Card sorting is a UX research method that helps you discover how people understand and categorize information. In a card sorting study, participants group ideas or information written on cards into categories in a way that makes sense to them.

When going international, it's best to have your business site translated to the target country's language. This may not come as a big surprise, but according to one company providing translation services in Oxford, the most common languages translated by their specialists are English, German, Japanese, French and Chinese. These countries differ from each other not only in languages and alphabets used, but cultures, tastes, and habits. Thus, every site requires localization services that adapt the product and layout to a specific locale.


Due to lockdowns and gathering limitations, the majority of our social lives have moved online. The digital world expanded, and with it, the demand for new, specialized employees. According to IBM, the pandemic has accelerated the shift from physical stores to digital shopping significantly. Department stores declined by 25% in the first quarter of 2020 and 75% in the second. 

This situation opened up a lot of opportunities for online stores. During lockdowns, people were allowed to shop only for the products of basic needs, so every other shopping had to be done online. The competition was fierce. In the beginning, each digital shop wanted to take the lead in its field. The need for digital marketers increased vastly. Statistics show that online retailers with at least one active social media account make 32% more sales than online retailers that don't use social media platforms at all. 

UI/UX Designers

UI and UX are a shorter form of User Interface/Experience Designer. The main purpose is to make your interface as beautiful and user-friendly as possible. The most important factor in this job is having a deep understanding of the users’ expectations. UI designer has to have a vast knowledge of visual design software like Adobe or Photoshop. They usually cooperate with other teams and collect feedback from testers to see what needs to be done. 

UI and UX are excellent opportunities for people with artistic talents, good taste, and deep emotional intelligence. They have to work well in teams and can't be too defensive about their work. It is essential to leave room for changes. 

The Bottom Line

As you can see, the positive pandemic effect touched mostly entirely remote and online branches. There are both positives and negatives to this trend. For those who consider themselves homebodies, more work from home is the best thing they can imagine. Unfortunately, except for COVID-19 itself, the pandemic has other horrible effects. 

For some, staying at home most days of the week, oftentimes alone, is very hard for their mental health. Other people lost their jobs when lockdown happened. It is important to adapt and be open to changes. These new spikes in demand opened a lot of new opportunities for people wanting to learn. So open up your web browser and start growing!