How Often Do Truck Accidents Happen in Baltimore?

A tractor-trailer loaded to capacity weighs close to 90,000 pounds which is considerably heavier than the average car. 

Since large trucks are nearly 20 times heavier than passenger vehicles, they can cause catastrophic damages when the two become involved in roadway accidents together. 

Victims of large truck accidents often seek the counsel of truck accident lawyers for help recovering financial damages for their trauma. Even one accident involving a tractor-trailer, dump truck, or other large commercial truck is too many.

Partnering with experienced truck accident lawyers is the only way to hold negligent drivers responsible for their actions. 

Types of Large Truck Accidents in Baltimore

Of all the major accidents in the country every year, nearly 20 percent are accidents involving large trucks. Baltimore is a densely populated metropolitan area with congested streets. The probability of being involved in an automobile or large truck accident increases in highly populated areas.

As there are multiple types of large trucks, there are also multiple types of large truck accidents. Here are the most common types of large truck accidents seen by truck accident lawyers. 

Truck Accidents Caused by Wide Turns 

When large trucks make wide turns their view is partially obstructed. If they don’t take the necessary precautions to yield to adjacent lanes and see oncoming traffic, they can cause terrible collisions and possible fatalities. The massive turning radius required for these enormous vehicles creates terrible blind spots that increase the likelihood of collisions. 

Truck Accidents Caused by Jackknife 

Most jackknife accidents are caused at least in part by some type of driver input. When the front brakes or tires lock up causing the trailer to swing around to a 90-degree angle, the driver has no control of the truck. These accidents can be catastrophic. A jackknife can occur even at slow speeds and is twice as likely to occur with a half-empty truck.

Truck Accidents Caused by Blind Spot 

Large trucks and tractor-trailers sit significantly higher than passenger vehicles and they have a huge turning radius which also creates enormous blind spots. The drivers of these trucks cannot see massive amounts of the road. There is no way for the drivers to maneuver safely in these trucks and there are inevitably tragic accidents. 

Truck Accidents Caused by Rear-End Collisions 

The sheer size and weight of these colossal vehicles mean they need an inordinate distance to stop safely. Truck drivers may fail to realize the distance needed to stop safely or they may be driving too fast for the conditions. These giant trucks are more difficult to maneuver and the risk of being involved in a rear-end collision with a passenger vehicle often has grave consequences

Choose the Best Truck Accident Lawyers

When large trucks are involved in collisions with passenger vehicles the results can be tragic. If you find yourself the victim of one of these catastrophic accidents, choose the best truck accident lawyers to fight for your rights and help you recover the financial compensation you deserve. Experienced truck accident lawyers understand the comprehensive laws that govern large truck accidents. They will conduct a thorough investigation into the circumstances of your accident and help you navigate the complexities of the U.S. court system as they fight to recover the compensation you deserve.