How Do I Know if a Certain Detox Cleanse Will Work for Me?

If you live in the 21st century, you’ve probably seen so many different ideas about detox and cleansing that you can no longer keep up. From juice cleansing to fasting, the options never run out. But, before you do a detox, you must understand the process of the element in the body so you know what to expect.

Cleansing is a process with roots in Indian Cultures, Native American and Greek. It is common to see the cleansing process as a weight-loss tool to take a spiritual or religious approach. Some of the most common techniques of cleansing include rebounding, skin brushing, fasting, enemas, among others.

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So, why should you consider doing a detox or cleanse in this day and age? The truth is that you are exposed to toxins in your daily life more than ever before. In your everyday life, you could be exposed to toxins in the food you eat, air, household cleaners, water, or even cosmetic products.

Our bodies are incredibly capable of getting rid of as many toxins. However, our intake of toxins most times is higher than ever before, and it is wise to explore more ways of supporting the body in eliminating toxins. 

Therefore, it is wise to have a gentle cleanse at least once or twice per year. But first, you need to know what cleanses to avoid. 

Cleanses to Avoid

Cleanses Whose Primary Method is Juicing

One of the most popular methods of cleansing is using juice cleansing especially fruit juice. While the benefits of vitamins and minerals present in fruit juice are immense, many of these juices don’t contain enough fiber and are high in sugar. For many that might have imbalanced blood-sugar levels, a juice cleanse is not sufficient enough to provide fiber, protein, or “good” fats needed to see them throughout the day. 

If it Focuses on Supplements Only

Supplement makers face less regulation when it comes to the quality of the ingredients used. You might want to be extra cautious when using a supplement-based cleanse to make sure it’s not doing more harm than good. It is important to research before buying what the salesperson might be telling you to try. While there are some high-quality supplements in the market, many supplements available are not regulated.

If They Cleanse Less Nourishment

Many people that cleanse have to perform their daily routines while cleansing. For this reason, it is not a wise thing to use a cleanser with an extremely low-calorie count. A cleanse with fewer nutrients will have you with low energy levels throughout the day. In fact, too few calories will put your body into “starvation” mode. This makes the body store more fats.

3 Healthy Ways to Cleanse

Elimination Diet

Are you trying to find out if you have an autoimmune disease or some food sensitivities? An elimination diet is a great start for you. Experts advise that you start by experimenting with the most common food sensitivities by eliminating them out from your diet for 20 to 30 days. The foods you could eliminate include sugar, eggs, alcohol, and gluten. During the elimination diet, focus on nourishing real food with more emphasis on organic veggies, fruits, chicken, and lean fish whenever possible.

Sugar Detox

For anyone struggling with sugar cravings or inflammatory-related complications, a sugar detox is a great idea. Experts at suggest finding a detox cleanser with the right amount of sugar as our bodies still do need some sugar to function. During a sugar detox, focus on avoiding artificial sweeteners, dried fruits, high-glycemic fruits, and even some natural sweeteners like maple syrup.

Wholefood Cleansing

This method of cleansing involves avoiding processed foods and only taking home-cooked meals, and other fresh foods. The primary focus of this cleansing is on veggies, water, and gluten-free meals. 

Other Important Notes 

Whichever cleansing method you choose, you must regularly check in with how it is making you feel. More specifically, you should notice your mood, sleep, and energy levels. It is common that some effects of cleanses include fatigue, nausea, and headaches. If you experience these symptoms for more than three days, then it probably isn’t the right cleansing routine for you.

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The most important thing during cleansing is to stay hydrated as drinking water is the most natural and safest way to cleanse and helps to get rid of the toxins from your bloodstream. Find out a cleanser that works for you, and you just might never go back to your old eating habits.