How Can CBD Help With Social Anxiety?

Social anxiety is a fear of encountering social situations. The problem generally commences during the teenage years. People with this problem face trouble speaking to other people or joining social gatherings. They experience fear of being judged by people.

People usually tend to confuse social anxiety with shyness. But, these are different. Shyness is short-term, while social anxiety is long-term and persistent. Social anxiety can affect work, developing friendships & relationships.

Some common symptoms of social anxiety are nausea, extreme sweating, shaking, difficulty in speaking, dizziness and rapid heart rate. Some methods to deal with the problem are deep breathing, breaking the task into tiny parts, and eliminating negative thoughts.

People also tend to deal with the problem if the phobia is resistant to the above methods. However, several research studies have observed that CBD edibles for anxiety are a good substitute for anxiety and Social Anxiety.

Today, this discussion is to unfold the benefits of using CBD in dealing with the problem of social anxiety.


CBD (Cannabidiol) is a form of cannabinoid, a chemical found naturally in the plants of cannabis.

Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is one of the prominent constituents in cannabis. However, CBD contains slight amounts of THC. Research shows that CBD has some effects on the brain, and these are different from the effects of THC.

People are usually confused between CBD and THC. But before understanding the benefits of CBD in dealing with social anxiety, you should know the difference between these two. The CBD can bind CB1 & CB2 receptors, and these receptors are helpful to the brain in maintaining the balance in the body. And thus, CBD is becoming popular due to its therapeutic benefits. Also, CBD does not have any psychoactive effects like THC. CB1 and CB2 receptors are located in our central nervous system with the peripheral nervous system and have a prominent role in our body as to how it takes stress, anxiety, pain, and fear.

CBD also has phytocannabinoids in huge quantities. Studies show the therapeutic and pharmaceutical properties of CBD.

Many clinical studies have shown that CBD can be helpful in situations about anxiety, pain, and movement disorders. CBD is the best health supplement for dealing with social anxiety.

CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system and binds with the CB1 and CB2 receptors in the brain. As a result, it becomes the need of the hour to have CBD in your diet. It helps you get effective and better results without worrying about anything. 

In addition to this, issues like anxiety, depression, etc., stay out of your body. Let us now look at its role in helping you with social anxiety.

How Does CBD Help With Social Anxiety?

Various studies have shown that CBD is an alternative to other medications for dealing with anxiety.

Serotonin has an important task to conduct in mental health, and low levels of this substance can lead to depression and other related disorders. Further, this less serotonin can also result in anxiety and panic scenarios. And generally, people facing the condition are treated with the help of a 'selective reuptake inhibitor' ("SSRI"). Common examples of SSRIs are Zoloft and Prozac.

Many research studies have shown that some individuals can deal with their anxiety with CBD in place of SSRI. And as consuming SSRIs can have many counter effects and thus CBD can be preferred. However, it is advisable to consult your doctor before making any alterations. It is best not to alter the treatment as CBD affects different people differently.

Research by the National Institute on Drug Abuse has shown that CBD can reduce stress and anxiety in rats. The consumption of CBD by rats displayed fewer signs of anxiety. The heart rate fell to a considerable level. And therefore, the rats got rid of the stress and anxiety, and their mood became better. 

Further, another study in 2011 has the effects of CBD on humans. Here, the subjects were the people with Social Anxiety Disorder. They got CBD of 400 mg or placebo in oral form and observed the consequences. They noticed that individuals dealing with social anxiety took CBD as the effect of the dosage. 

A study on Japan's substantial benefits of CBD reveals positive results. In the study, researchers used 12 subjects with 600mg of CBD to see their experiences with social anxiety. In the research, they observed the behavior during public speaking. They compared it from before consumption of CBD to after consumption. The result was a noteworthy reduction in social anxiety in the subjects given CBD after treatment. And no variation came in the individuals who took a placebo.

A study in 2011 showed that CBD helps reduce anxiety and worry throughout public speaking for people suffering from a social anxiety disorder.

A 2015 review reveals that CBD can assist in dealing with various anxiety-related disorders such as social anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, and PTSD post-traumatic stress disorder. Another research in 2019 reveals that almost 80% of subjects' anxiety was reduced, and around 70% of subjects experienced improved sleep.

Thus, there are 100 studies and researches showing the positive role of CBD. So, it is best to go with it and get rid of social anxiety. 

However, it can affect different people differently. Thus, we advise using it with proper caution and a medical practitioner. In addition to this, taking help from your doctor for the correct dose is the perfect thing to do. Also, it is imperative to purchase high-quality products without worrying about anything. It helps you get the best results without any side effects. 


The article is perfect for individuals looking for options to deal with it. You can adopt CBD edibles such as capsules, gummies, tinctures, oils, balms, cocktails, and cookies. These are easy and convenient to consume. You can get rid of your social anxiety by including sources of CBD. It does not have many side effects. And hence, it is a reliable product.