Holiday Packing, Perfect Preparation Tips For Your Next Trip

Packing for a holiday can seem like a daunting task. If you are one of those people who leave all of the packing until the last minute, then you may be putting yourself at a disadvantage. If you want to work around this then there are a few things that you can do to try and make your next packing chore a breeze.

Pick the right luggage

Preparation for a trip is just as important as the experiences you will have on your journey. Choosing the right suitcase is the first step towards this, since large suitcases may not be suitable or allowed if traveling short distances within perhaps a city. Instead, selecting only the items needed when flying or driving short distances allows you to opt for a slightly smaller suitcase that fits better with such challenges as size regulations and transportation efficiencies. If traveling over larger distances or for extended trips longer than two weeks, then a large travel suitcase can play an important role in carrying all necessary clothing items and other belongings conveniently in one large case. In summary, it is necessary to think of not only what you pack but also how and what type of case you choose to get the most out of each trip.

Packing Cubes are your Friend

If you’ve never used packing cubes before then you’re in for a treat. They are essentially miniature suitcases, and they can help you to fit more in each bag while keeping everyone’s clothing separate. If you haven’t tried them yet, then many sites online show you how to use them and you may even find that they are the best way for you to organise your dirty laundry when you arrive at the destination too. They really do make life easier, and they save you from having to empty your suitcase just because you can’t find your phone charger.

Using a Pill Organiser

If you know that you need regular medication then you will need to make sure that you use a pill organiser. This will give you the chance to decant all of your pills into a weekly organiser, allowing you to cut down on space while also ensuring that you have enough to last you for the week. It’s worth trying to make sure that you don’t need a prescription copy with you when you fly. Some destinations require you to prove that the prescription is yours, so make sure that you take this into consideration when you are packing. If you need some help with this at the last minute, then a UK online pharmacy can be of assistance. It is a very good idea for you to take a first-aid kit with you as well if possible. This will help you to provide basic help to any of your family members if they should injure themselves. If you can, you need to keep any essential medicines and your first-aid kit in your carry-on. This will help you to stop any issues if you end up losing your main luggage. If you end up being delayed, you never know how long it will be until you get off the plane, so having some with you is always a good idea.

Packing a Waterproof Bag

If you want to maximise your vacation by swimming right until you are due to get ready to leave, then you need to have a waterproof bag handy. This is especially the case if you are going to the beach. This will stop your whole suitcase from being wet from your clothes and it also means that you have everything you need ready to wash when you get home. Don’t try and source a plastic bag from somewhere, and instead take a waterproof sack with you. This way, you can run it through the wash with your wet clothing and you can use it time and time again. You can also put your goggles and your armbands in there as well, to keep them separate from everything else you are taking with you.

Make a List and then Reduce it by 30%

Usually, it’s better if you overpack as opposed to under pack. This is especially the case if you are travelling as a family. If you want to make it easier then you need to make a list of everything your family thinks they need. When you have this list, reduce it by one third. If you pack less, you will be doing your part for the environment because you will be reducing the amount of carbon emissions that come from your flight. On top of this, you can save yourself some luggage allowance, while making it easier to carry and organise everyone’s bags. Remember, if you do end up needing something, you can probably buy it when you’re there.

Take Clothing that is Easy to Dry

If you do decide to take less clothes with you then this is great, but there are ways that you can take things that one step further. You could try and take clothes that dry faster, to make laundry easier. Activewear dries in a very short amount of time, for example. You can also get easy-drying towels too. Many sites sell travel washing lines, which can be put up just about anywhere. This is a fantastic way for you to ensure that everyone’s clothes get dry and that you are not stuck trying to juggle wet, dirty or clean laundry all the time. If you are going on holiday with a big family, or if you have younger children, taking easy to dry clothing can be the best way for you to have a stress-free vacation that doesn’t revolve around constantly doing laundry.

Decant your Toiletries

If you are travelling and only using hand luggage, then you need to make sure that all of your liquids are 100ml or under. One way for you to do this would be for you to decant your toiletries into bottles. If you have a favourite face cream or if someone in your family has sensitive skin and needs a certain type of shampoo, then you can easily decant it as it saves you buying it when you arrive at your destination. Preparation tips like this can save you a small fortune, and it also ensures that everyone in the family has what they need to truly enjoy their vacation.

So going on holiday can be a fantastic experience and it is also a great way for you to spend some quality time with your family. That being said, you do need to make sure that you do what you can to get organised. If you leave your packing until the last minute, then you will almost certainly end up forgetting something and this is the last thing you need. If you use this guide though, you can get your packing done in advance, while also ensuring that everyone’s bag is properly organised.