Going Green Starts At Home: How To Make Your Home Eco Friendly

For years, environmental experts and activists have made it clear that we must all make changes in our lives to take care of the planet. These actions have contributed to various positive changes. For example, the recycling rate in the USA has increased from less than 7% in 1960 to 32%. However, more changes need to be made in order to protect the planet for years to come.

While this means that we should encourage large companies to improve their environmental policies, going green also starts at home. With that in mind, here are some top tips that you can use to make your home more eco-friendly. 

  • Use eco-friendly cleaning products. Believe it or not, the products you use to clean your home could actually be harming the planet. This is due to the fact that they often contain harmful chemicals that can pollute water supplies or take hundreds of years to decompose. As a result, you should ensure that you purchase eco-friendly cleaning products, such as those from the L’avant Collective, which are plant-based, refillable, and do not contain harsh chemicals. 

  • Installing a solar panel in your home. Solar panels are one of the most popular green features in new-builds - meaning it's definitely worth considering installing them in your home. Not only is renewable energy much more sustainable (and better for the planet), it’s also a great way to save money on your monthly energy bills. 

  • With the right equipment at your disposal that protects your system, this approach is one of the best ways to make your home more eco-friendly while also reducing your carbon footprint. Lots of people are investing in Semper Solaris Battery Storage to shield their units. Also, if you generate excess electricity, some utility companies will even buy it back from you.

  • Grow your own fruits and vegetables. Not only is growing your own fruit and veg is an effective way to get all the nutrients you need in your diet, but it can also help save the planet (and your money). This is because you’ll no longer have to buy as many products from grocery stores, reducing your carbon footprint. Don’t worry if you’re not an experienced gardener, as there are plenty of easy-to-grow vegetables - even if you don’t have too much green space at your disposal. 

  • Reduce waste. Reducing waste is another excellent way to care for the planet - and thankfully, there are various ways in which you can achieve this goal. For example, you can try to reduce the number of products you buy while also ensuring you recycle as much as possible. Have a separate bin set up inside your home for recyclable products to reduce the chances of you throwing a recyclable product away along with the rest of your waste. 

  • Try upcycling when redecorating. When redecorating your home - consider upcycling some of your furniture instead of throwing it away. For example, you could reupholster your fabric furniture (sofas and chairs) to stay up to date with new trends without having to buy entirely new furniture. You can also drastically change the way wooden furniture looks by adding a splash of paint and varnish. Alternatively, you could try popping by your local second-hand store in search of new items (often at a fraction of their original price). This is also a great way to save some money on the redecorating process. 

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