Fun Facts About Gemstones That Might Interest You

Gemstones are amazing creations of nature that have been used for centuries for their beauty and unique properties. There are many different types of gemstones, each with its unique characteristics. Some of the most popular gemstones include diamonds, rubies, sapphires, and emeralds. And while many people think of these gemstones as rare and expensive, they can be quite affordable if you know where to look. Here are some fun facts about gemstones that you might find interesting.

1. Gemstones Have Many Different Uses

Did you know that gemstones have been around for centuries and used for many different purposes? People classified gemstones and their meanings long before they had a scientific understanding. Almost every culture has a history of using gemstones in one way or another. Here are just a few examples:

Gemstones have been used in jewelry since the beginning of time. They are often given as gifts to commemorate important occasions, such as weddings, births, and anniversaries. Some gemstones are also believed to have special powers, such as warding off evil spirits or bringing good luck.

Gemstones are also used in medicine. The ancient Egyptians believed that turquoise could cure eye diseases, and amethyst was thought to be a powerful antidote against poison. Today, doctors sometimes prescribe gemstone therapy for people who suffer from chronic pain or other health problems.

Finally, gemstones are often used in technology. For example, sapphire is commonly used in watches because it is scratch-resistant. Diamonds are also frequently used in electronics because they can withstand high temperatures without melting.

2. Birthstones Have A Special Significance

Birthstones are gemstones that are traditionally associated with a particular month of the year. Birthstones have special powers and properties that can benefit the person who wears them. There is a lot of debate about which gemstone is best for each month, but here is a general guide to the most popular birthstones. You can also check out Jewlr for more information.

  • January: Garnet

  • February: Amethyst

  • March: Aquamarine

  • April: Diamond

  • May: Emerald

  • June: Pearl or Alexandrite

  • July: Ruby

  • August: Peridot

  • September: Sapphire

  • October: Opal or Tourmaline

  • November: Topaz or Citrine

  • December: Turquoise, Tanzanite, or Zircon

3. Amethyst Was Once Considered a Precious Metal

Amethyst is a beautiful violet-colored gemstone that has been prized for centuries. It is the most common variety of quartz and is found worldwide. Amethyst was once considered a precious metal used to make jewelry, ornaments, and other decorative items.

Amethyst comes from the Greek word ametusthos, which means "not intoxicated." This name was given to the stone because it was believed to protect its wearer from intoxication. Amethyst has long been associated with sobriety and spirituality. In ancient times, it was thought to be able to ward off evil spirits and protect against drunkenness. Today, amethyst is still considered a symbol of sobriety and moderation.

4. Each Specific Gemstone Comes From Its Monetary Value.

Did you know that each specific gemstone has a monetary value? Some are worth more than others, depending on the stone's rarity. For example, diamonds are the most expensive gemstones in the world. They're rare and have a hardness that other gemstones can't match. That combination of rarity and durability makes them incredibly valuable. Diamonds are so valuable that many consider them symbols of love and commitment.

Rubies are another incredibly valuable gemstone. They're prized for their beautiful red color, which is caused by traces of chromium in the stone. Rubies are also very durable, making them a popular choice for jewelry. As a result, they often command high prices at auction.

Tourmalines are another kind of gemstone that's become more popular in recent years. Going for rarer kinds of this gemstone, such as Paraiba Tourmaline can be really special, as they are rarer than many kinds of diamond and just as beautiful if not more with their deep neon blue colouring. Tourmaline jewelry was traditionally used to help someone go in the right direction and stave away misfortune, so it can be a thoughtful gift should you wish to have jewelry made with it.

Sapphires are another blue gemstone that's popular with jewelers. They're not quite rare as rubies, but they still carry a hefty price tag because of their beauty and durability. Sapphire jewelry is often given as gifts to commemorate important occasions like weddings or anniversaries.

5. True Gem Quality is Rare to Find

It is said that true quality is rare to find. This statement rings especially true in the world of gemstones. Although there are many types of gems, not all are created equal. The vast majority of gemstones on the market today are considered to be "semi-precious" stones. This is because they do not possess the same level of quality or rarity as their more expensive counterparts.

Precious gems like diamonds and rubies are highly coveted for their beauty and durability. To be classified as a precious gemstone, a stone must meet several specific criteria. For starters, it must be rare and difficult to find. The stone must also appear attractive and withstand everyday wear and tear. Lastly, it must have a high value on the open market. Only a small percentage of gemstones meet all these requirements, which is why they are typically referred to as "true gems."

On the other hand, semi-precious stones are not as rare or difficult to find. They also tend to be less durable and have a lower value on the open market. Although they may not be as valuable as precious gems, semi-precious stones can still be beautiful. Some of the most popular semi-precious stones include amethysts, turquoise, and opals.

Remember that these terms are not set in stone (pun intended). The line between precious and semi-precious gemstones is often blurred, and experts debate about which stones should be classified as such. Ultimately, it comes down to a matter of opinion.

6. Gemstones Come in Every Color of the Rainbow – and More

Did you know that gemstones come in every color of the rainbow and more? There are so many colors and varieties of gemstones that it would be impossible to list them all. But here are a few examples to give you an idea.

First, the "traditional" colors are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. We typically think of these colors when we hear "gemstone." But many other colors are available, including pink, black, white, brown, and even multi-colored stones like opal.

Then there are the different varieties of gemstones. For example, you have your standard diamonds and rubies. But then you also have fancy diamonds (like those with different shapes or colors), colored sapphires (including padparadscha sapphires which are a delicate pinkish-orange color), and rare gems like Alexandrite which change color depending on what light it is exposed to.

As you can see, there is a lot to learn about gemstones. But these fun facts should give you a good starting point. Who knows, you might even find yourself becoming interested in collecting gemstones after reading this.

The Complete Guide to Gemstones delves deeper into the captivating world of gemstones, uncovering their hidden mysteries and intrinsic value. Beyond their dazzling appearance, gemstones hold a rich history and cultural significance, each with its unique characteristics and story. This guide aims to enlighten enthusiasts and collectors alike, providing insights into the rarity, formation, and distinctive qualities that make each gemstone a treasure. From the allure of classic diamonds to the chameleon-like charm of Alexandrite, the guide promises a journey through the fascinating realm of gemstones, igniting a passion for their timeless beauty and enchanting lore.