Diet Tips: How To Get To Your Desired Weight Without Hurting Yourself

Obesity presents one of the biggest problems many countries have. It has been connected to numerous medical conditions like heart disease, diabetes, depression, and even some cancers. Many people next to being mocked for their weight are having to fight battles with themselves and why they cannot lose weight. Many pharmaceutical companies present quick weight-loss solutions but the reality is that there is no quick fix to this problem. When cutting weight, there needs to be commitment and hard work. Various diets are constantly presented on television but those solutions are usually just temporary and the people who try going on such diets quickly regain their weight once they stop. Here are some tips for you to get to your goal.

Visit the Doctor

Many people make the mistake when trying to cut weight to lose it in their way. Those ways include starvation or throwing up, which are much more dangerous than any excess weight that you may have. Consulting your doctor is the best way, a doctor can detect the source of your excess weight and thus advise you appropriately. If you happen to live somewhere in Georgia, you can visit the medical weight loss clinic in Atlanta where they would help you with your problem. So, the doctor would run tests to find out whether you are diabetic or whether you have a thyroid disorder. After checking all the usual suspects, the doctor can give you advice on how to move on, whom to see, so that you can find the best treatment for your problem.

Determine How Much Overweight You Are

Before starting anything, you need to see whether you are overweight or you are just imagining things. Almost all doctors use the Body Max Index or the BDI to determine your weight. The body weight in kilograms is divided by height. If you have a 25 to 29 rate you are defined as being "overweight", above 30 is called "obesity", while anything above 40 is defined as "morbid obesity". This formula doesn't apply to muscle weight since bodybuilders can appear as obese based on their index, while they are not. If you have the considerable muscle mass you should take your results with a grain of salt. 

Another way to gauge your weight is to measure your waist circumference. A waist circumference that is higher than 35 inches in women and 40 in men is considered as having an increased risk of obesity-related issues.

Set Goals

The worst thing you can do is make goals that are not achievable for you. It is easy to say that you won't ever touch sweets again, but sticking to that is much harder. Of course, you need to take easy steps which were set before you have started. Even if it's small, you need to be consistent and true to yourself. Set a weekly or monthly goal of how much you want to lose and work on losing it. You just need to remember how much better you will feel once you pass that milestone, and it gets much easier. Take your time slowly, for steady wins the race.

Shrink your Portions

Even if your diet consists of only veggies and fruits, it will still make you gain weight if you are eating too much. Thus, it is crucial to consume proper sized meals, at first, it will be hard for you to eat less but after some time you will get used to it. You should take care of how many times during a day you are eating, there shouldn't be many snacks and sweets which hinder the work. Also, your meals should have many vegetables in them. Try not to eat pasta and bread too much.

Increase Exercise

Of course, both the easiest and the hardest way to lose weight is to burn fat. Next to taking care of what you eat, you need also to exercise and these two best work in tandem. That doesn't mean that you need to become a marathon runner in a month, but rather if you never do exercise, start small and as time passes add to your routine until you are satisfied with the time you have done. For those that are not accustomed to exercising, first, start 10-minute walks, then add 5 minutes every time you feel you can make it.

Losing weight can be both psychologically and physically demanding. You need to be resolved and ambitious to reach your goal. Many times you will feel like giving up, but every time you go back to your old habits is time spent in ill-health, possible depression, and a life that is hard and unbearable.