Crucial Steps You Need To Take To Make Your House A Lot Safer

You may think your home is the safest place and this is not entirely incorrect, but thousands of people get injured, and sometimes incur fatal injuries, as a result of home accidents every year. Burglaries take place every day and fire hazards cause many people to lose their residence or become seriously injured. About 3 thousand civilians met their death as a result of home fires between the years 2013 and 2017. Other life-threatening home hazards include indoor pollution, accidental poisoning, and falls. 

Luckily, there are many precautions that you can take to make your home a lot safer and avoid these accidents. You can create your own safety plan just by following some approaches and taking certain steps that protect you and your family. Here are a few steps that will help you make your home a safe place.


Install an Alarm System

You may not know it but alarm systems are extremely effective in putting off burglars and intruders who attempt to enter your house. The internet can give you many conflicting answers but the truth is, most burglars won’t mess with a house that has a robust alarm system installed. Although some would be comfortable disabling certain alarm system brands, most burglars wouldn’t want to be caught so no matter how they feel about the system, they’ll just avoid the hassle. The best thing to do is to get a security system that would still alert everyone at home, even when it’s disabled. This will reduce the chances of your home getting robbed and keep you safe from intruders and break-ins. 

Get Window Sensors 

There are a couple of other names for window sensors, they’re also known as entry sensors and open/closed sensors because their main function is alerting you whenever the door or window you have them installed on is closed or opened. The best way to secure your home and protect your family is to secure any potential entrances into your home. They also work as a home security device that increases safety and supports your home automation system. This means that you can set your systems to turn lights on automatically if your house door opens after midnight, for example, or to alert you whenever someone enters the home, even when you’re not there. 

Install Automatic Porch Lights

You can’t see everything happening outside through your door’s peephole when it’s dark. That’s why automated porch lights are great, they light up the entire area. You can opt for motion-based porch lights that detect the slightest motion.

 The system also allows you to control them remotely and set up the times when you want them to switch on or off. They’re not just good for protecting you from intruders at night or giving you a better view of what’s behind your door, they also protect you, your family, and your visitors from slip and fall accidents that may happen more often at night. As per the personal injury lawyers in Las Vegas, your visitors can legally sue you if they were exposed to safety hazards in your house that led them to get injured. So, it’s better to play it safe and install automatic motion-sensor lights that light up your porch at night whenever someone approaches your house. 

Add a Door Brace

Door braces are another type of home safety equipment that can protect you and your household from intruders and break-in attempts. A door brace supports your door and makes it ready to sustain hundreds of pounds of force before it can be pushed open. All you need to do is install it behind the entryway door and keep it in a locked position at night or when you’re not expecting visitors. This way it’s impossible for anyone to kick down your door or use force to push it open.

Use Window Film

It may look nice to have side pane glass on your front door but this puts you in a situation where people can see into your house from the outside. Being able to see visitors from behind your door is a privilege but it also deprives you of your privacy and allows intruders to see whether you’re home. This problem can be solved simply by decorating your front door side pane glass with some window film that gives you more privacy and doesn’t ruin your decor. 


Home security is crucial for your personal safety and the safety of your household. However, there are many steps you need to take to insure your home is completely safe from any potential hazards. By installing the right security systems and taking care of your home’s privacy, you reduce the chances of indoor accidents that may threaten your life.