Can Printing Make a Comeback? With Proper Design, It Might

Contrary to popular belief, printing is actually a front-runner in the digital and media world. Today, printing is steadily making a comeback mainly due to the integration of modern design principles. It is, in fact, not obsolete anymore. Digital marketing agencies and print media houses are increasingly using printing to make bold statements and create advertisements. Since everything is going digital today, designers and advertisers are relying on printing to create out-of-the-box ideas and make an impact in this highly competitive market. If your business hasn’t considered printing yet, it is high time you integrate it within your best practices. Here are some solid reasons why printing can make a major comeback today.

Design is Taking a New Turn

Design and relevant principles have immensely evolved over the years. With the right typography lines, colors, and spaces, you can create powerful designs using print media. One of the reasons why print media momentarily vanished for a few years may be due to design complications and poor execution. However, contemporary design is taking a new turn, which can be extremely useful for print designers. Since the demand for tangible objects and merchandise is also increasing, print designers are being hired by major corporations as well as small marketing agencies. Print design is now an integral part of trade shows, event marketing, and merchandising.

The Rise of Digital Tools

With the advent of new digital tools, printing has become easier and more affordable. It is believed that print media, if used correctly, can fetch higher conversions and ROIs. If you use the right analytical tools, print media can also reach your target audience and increase traffic to your website. This also shows that amalgamating digital and traditional print media is not a bad idea after all. You can also use social media to voice your opinion and display your printed products for better reach. Leveraging demographics and the retrieved analytical data can also reinforce your advertising strategy.

Everything is Accessible

You can touch, feel, and see every element created through print design, which makes it tangible and more believable. Digital design can create fatigue and can be tiring at one point, which can also backfire. On the other hand, print design can be touched and felt, which compels the user and holds their attention. As backed by the designers at, you can find printable material online and create your own design with ease. Since design is evolving today, you can find all kinds of templates and prints online to suit your taste. You have the freedom to experiment with your own designs and print them based on your preference.

The Integration of Print Design with Technology

In the past, putting ideas on paper and practically implementing them was extremely difficult due to a lack of resources and the right technology. However, with the new technological advancements, you can easily achieve desired results. As mentioned, social media, mobile apps, and webshops are some important parts of technological advancements. Infographics, statistics, and QR codes are also included in this category. For instance, you can print your QR code on your physical products and ask your users to reach your website by scanning the code. Exploring the advantages of DTF printing vs screen printing is crucial for finding the best method for your printing needs. You can also sell your prints and merchandise on websites and mobile apps, which indicates another important symbiosis of digital and traditional media.

It is Clear and Loud

No one can deny that print holds credibility and affirmation. With the implementation of the right design principles, it can convey every emotion and statement with punctuation. Compared to websites and digital text, printed materials and magazines can be more powerful in presenting a specific idea. Readers also take longer to skim through magazines than websites (which is usually 15 to 20 seconds as compared to 40 to 45 minutes for a magazine). Prints are traditional and tried-and-tested for successful outcomes.  

Print Design Stays Longer

Needless to say, print design lasts longer (maybe forever in some cases). Whether you buy a simple greeting card or a big advertisement poster, prints stay longer within your line of sight. For example, a piece of paper carrying the advertisement of a real estate agent can be retrieved at any time. The same ad, if presented in a digital form, can easily get lost.

The idea of print design being dead is immensely exaggerated. With the right tools and a proper budget, you can create amazing ideas and successful marketing strategies with print design. Since the market is already flooded with thousands of printed ads, you can only make an impact or stand out with the proper design. This is also why digital marketers love print design and are steadily integrating it within every content plan and marketing strategy for successful campaigns.