Can Adding Solar Increase Home Value? Here’s What to Know

Certain home features can increase its market value, so some property owners invest in important things to make it more valuable. There can be various types of features, like regular maintenance and certain upgrades, that will attract the attention of customers. However, solar panels are probably the best solution for increasing the home's value because they’re easy to install and they reduce electricity bills. So in order to find the best solar panels for you, make sure you search for a local solar dealer to assist. With that, here is how solar can improve the value of your property:

Hire the Right Company

If you're planning to add solar to your home, you should hire professionals in this field because they’ll know which ones are right for you. For instance, you can opt for a Dayton solar panel electrician who’ll see what type of solar suits your home best. You should be aware that many factors determine the type of solar you need, like the amount of sun the area receives, the direction of your roof, and its size. Therefore, get the necessary permits, hire skilled labor for the inspection and installation, and enjoy your house's comfort.

The Electric Bill Is Lower

The weather, electrical appliances, and your habits can determine your electric bill, which can be high sometimes. Yet, solar panels provide an energy source that can contribute to homes having monthly savings on electricity. 

You probably think that your solar installment will be costly and time-consuming, but don’t postpone it because it pays off by reducing your bills. You install solar once, while you need to pay the bill every month, so considering this difference in money, it’s significant.

Its Maintenance Isn’t Expensive

For some people, maintenance is a crucial factor when buying a property, so take care that you maintain your solar panels regularly. Contrary to what many people think, they aren’t difficult or expensive to maintain, although you need to do that from time to time to save them from degradation. 

You use them on a daily basis, so cleaning this device is like cleaning dust or dirt from the windows, so an annual inspection would be enough. The lower maintenance needed can make your home more attractive.

A Reliable Source of Energy

This is also an advantage of solar because there are many areas where the loss of electricity is common due to unfavorable weather conditions. These conditions might last for several days or even weeks, yet your solar panels effectively protect you from blackouts. 

Solar batteries have energy reserves, so you can rely on them during harsh weather, and this is one of the things that increase the value of your home. For instance, a typical solar panel can last for 25 to 30 years, so it's a worthwhile investment for you and your future tenants.

It Promotes an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle

The latest research showed that 60% of home buyers say that an energy-efficient home is one of their major requirements. For that reason, it’s always a good time to install solar and invest in renewable energy. It’s familiar that solar panels reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve the living conditions of people who live there. 

They also lessen the dependence on non-renewable fossil fuels, which are better for the environment and valuable for many people. Nowadays, there are a lot of movements that propagate eco-friendly lifestyles, so with solar panels, your home will get better value for sure.

Location Is Important

We all know that the location of the property is important and affects the price of the house. Therefore, the value of the property with solar panels will increase depending on the location, particularly in areas with less sunlight and high electricity bills. 

If your property is near houses that emphasize environmental sustainability, solar panels on your house will increase a home’s value. You’ll get supportive policies if you're conscious of the preservation of the environment, so the location of your home can increase its value.

Solar Market

Another advantage of properties with solar is that many states offer tax incentives to encourage homeowners to install solar panels. The transition to solar energy becomes more affordable that way, and the solar potential is significantly expanded. Therefore, solar-powered properties in solar-friendly states or cities will sell at a higher market value, which is particularly important for homeowners.

Considering these tips, it’s clear that solar panels raise home value because of their energy savings and electricity bill reductions. Still, before installing it, inform yourself about the full details of the solar system to check its condition and history. That way, you’ll know how they function, how you should maintain them, and in what way they increase the value of your home.