Buying a Crib Mattress? Here's What to Keep in Mind

Your baby’s comfort while sleeping should come first before anything else. Since most of your baby’s time will be spent in a crib during the first few years, the quality and comfort of the crib are of the essence. When selecting a crib mattress, there are many factors you need to consider. To help you pick the right one, here are some details about the different types of mattresses available and what factors you need to consider.

The Different Types 

There are two different types to pick from. They have different specifications and you need to consider the different aspects of each to determine which is compatible with your specific requirements. The two types are:

●     The innerspring 

●     The foam 

The Inner-spring 

The innerspring option combines different types of materials that are connected with a coil strip right between the center of the inner side of the mattress. It has different coverings on both sides and affects the price depending on the material used. A good quality material on the outer layer has a higher price than a lower quality one.

These types of mattresses come with multiple layers and these layers play a vital role in the comfort it provides. The more layers it has, the better it will be. Due to these layers and the usage of metal coils in the center, it may just be on the heavier side. 

The Foam 

On the other hand, the foam mattress doesn't have any type of coils in it, it is purely made up of foam. Again, the prices may differ because of the different quality of outer coverings.

The most important thing with this option is to check the quality of the foam. You need to check the density and firmness, and this can be checked by its weight, the heavier the weight the denser it will be.

Different Features To Look At When Buying


1. The Cover

The cover of the mattresses can be made up of both fabric or vinyl, both of them have their pros and cons. For example, a fabric cover is soft but can easily get ripped, while vinyl is difficult to breathe in but cannot be ripped easily as it has multiple layers.

2. Convertible

A dual firm mattress can easily be converted into a bigger one as it can be folded on one side. You can easily convert a convertible option into a toddler bed.

3. Airflow Pockets

This is for people who are going for a fully waterproof mattress. The waterproof variety doesn't have any type of ventilation and it may cause difficulty in breathing. If this is the case, these mattresses should have airflow pockets.

4. Waterproof Covers

A much safer way to protect your mattress not just from leakage, but also from the different types of stains, is to use a waterproof cover. The providers of the Newton crib mattress explain that waterproof covers are a better choice than waterproof mattresses. You can also use a waterproof cover that easily wraps around the mattress and protects it.

5. The Antimicrobial Cover

To protect the mattress from bacteria, you should use antimicrobial covers. You can also clean it with soap regularly to prevent mold and bacteria buildup.

Why You Need Good Quality 

A good quality choice will cost you a little more, but you shouldn't opt for a cheaper one and neglect the comfort of your baby. Cheap-quality mattresses may result in negative consequences for you in many ways. They won't provide you the comfort you want your baby to have, they'll have thinner edges and will result in cracks and leaks.

The thicker edges of a  foam option will provide you with a strong and dense comfortable feel that is mid-range in price. If you spend a little money on buying something that is of higher quality, you will see how it makes a huge difference for your baby’s comfort.

While shopping for a crib mattress is important for your baby's comfort, it's equally crucial to consider safe sleep practices. Learn more about swaddling and its relevance to your newborn's nighttime routine in the article on "should I be swaddling my newborn at night" to ensure a secure and peaceful sleep environment.

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Why You Should Buy a New One

Buying a new mattress for your baby’s crib is very important. Buying something used, while easily available, is a risk as you don't know how long it’s been used for and how safe it is for your baby’s health. A used option may have bacterial growth if it wasn’t kept in a clean environment. So, you shouldn't risk your baby's comfort and health by saving a couple of dollars.

Before making a purchase, consider the points mentioned here and the differences. Keep in mind that you can always use different types of covers for extra protection and to ensure your baby sleeps soundly.  Your baby’s comfort should be a primary requirement for you so do your research.