Advanced Techniques for Boosting Your Cutting Workout Plan Results

If you want to take your cutting workout plan to the next level, several advanced techniques can help you boost your results. In this article, we'll explore some of these techniques such as HIIT and provide tips on incorporating them into your workout routine.

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a form of cardiovascular exercise involving short bursts of intense exercise followed by rest or low-intensity exercise. HIIT is an effective way to burn calories and reduce body fat while maintaining muscle mass. Incorporating HIIT into your cutting workout plan can help you maximize your results.

Some examples of HIIT exercises include sprints, jumping jacks, and burpees. To incorporate HIIT into your workout routine, try adding a 20 to 30-second burst of intense exercise followed by a 10 to the 20-second rest period. Repeat this cycle for 10 to 20 minutes, depending on your fitness level.

Progressive Overload

Progressive overload is a technique used to gradually increase the amount of weight you lift or the intensity of your exercise over time. By progressively increasing the weight or intensity, you can continue to challenge your muscles and promote muscle growth.

To incorporate progressive overload into your cutting workout plan, aim to increase the weight you lift or the number of repetitions you perform each week. For example, if you're currently lifting 10-pound dumbbells for ten reps, try increasing the weight to 12 pounds or increasing the number of reps to 12.

Circuit Training

Circuit training involves performing exercises in a specific order with minimal rest in between. Circuit training can help you maximize your calorie burn and increase muscle endurance. By performing a series of exercises back-to-back, you can challenge your muscles and promote muscle growth.

To incorporate circuit training into your cutting workout plan, select 4 to 6 exercises targeting different muscle groups. Perform each exercise for 30 to 60 seconds, then move on to the next exercise with minimal rest in between. Repeat the circuit 2 to 3 times, depending on your fitness level.


Supersets involve performing two exercises back-to-back without rest in between. Supersets can help you maximize your workout time and promote muscle growth. You can challenge your muscles and promote muscle growth by performing two exercises targeting the same muscle group.

To incorporate supersets into your cutting workout plan, select two exercises targeting the same muscle group, such as bicep and hammer curls. Perform one set of each exercise back-to-back, then rest for 30 to 60 seconds before repeating the superset 2 to 3 times.

Active Recovery

Active recovery involves performing low-intensity exercise or stretching to promote muscle recovery and reduce muscle soreness. Active recovery can help you recover quickly between workouts and improve overall performance.

To incorporate active recovery into your cutting workout plan, try performing a low-intensity exercise such as walking or stretching after your workout. You can also incorporate yoga or Pilates into your workout routine to promote flexibility and mobility.

Final Thoughts

Incorporating advanced techniques into your cutting workout plan can help you boost your results and achieve your fitness goals. You can challenge your muscles, promote muscle growth, and improve overall performance by incorporating techniques such as HIIT, progressive overload, circuit training, supersets, and active recovery. Remember to consult a fitness professional if you're unsure how to incorporate these techniques into your workout routine safely and effectively.