8 Leading Causes of Workplace Injuries and Deaths

Workplaces are far safer than they used to be. Stricter regulations and modern workers’ rights mean that accidents happen far less often. This isn’t to say, however, that workplace accidents don’t happen at all and there are still far too many people getting hurt at work every year. There are various hazards in different workplaces and so it is vital to identify them before they end up hurting or potentially killing someone.

To help make workplaces safer and raise awareness of potential dangers, here are eight leading causes of workplace injuries and deaths.


1. Slips and Falls

Slips, falls, tumbles and trips are the number one cause of workplace injuries and they can have serious consequences. Some of the most dangerous jobs in the U.S. have many potential trip hazards that can lead to incredibly perilous falls. Roofers and other construction workers are among the most injured of all US workers and if you are in this profession and have been injured at work due to a fall of some kind, it is always worth getting in touch with an attorney to see if you are owed any compensation.

2. Strained Muscles

Strained muscles due to a freak incident or continuous overexertion is a common issue for many types of workers. Laborers, lumberjacks, and factory workers are often expected to lift and carry various heavy objects and pieces of equipment which can lead to numerous back, hip, knee, and shoulders injuries. Back problems are a particular issue as they can seriously affect mobility and cause chronic pain.

3. Falling Objects

Falling objects are a potential hazard for everyone who works on construction sites which is why hard hats are mandatory in the vast majority of places. They are also a problem for people who work in modern warehouses as items are piled up so high these days that an object falling from the top shelf can be potentially deadly. The safety conditions in many of Amazon’s warehouses have been criticized over the past few years and it remains to be seen whether the company has made the necessary improvements. 

4. Crashes

For people who drive a vehicle for a living, one of the biggest daily dangers they face is the possibility of a crash. Long-distance truck drivers are at particular risk of having an accident as their job often requires them to stay awake for a long time in order to reach their destination on schedule. Drowsy driving is one of the most dangerous things you can do when operating a vehicle and as trucks are so huge, the consequences can be catastrophic.

5. Cuts

Almost everyone is at risk of minor cuts at work from chefs to carpenters to mechanics. Where cuts can become very dangerous, however, is when power tools or factory machines are involved. As well as falling out of trees, one of the most common workplace injuries for lumberjacks and tree doctors is cutting themselves with their chainsaws. These pieces of equipment are so heavy that they can sometimes be hard to handle which results in accidents. 

6. Toxic Fumes

There are various jobs where toxic fumes and other air quality issues can cause serious health problems for workers. Mining is one industry where workers all over the world have generational problems with their lungs, throats, and other parts of their respiratory systems. While in the Western World, big strides have been made to protect the health and safety of miners and similar workers, such as the development of flammable material cabinets to store hazardous equipment, the problem is as bad as ever in much of the developing world.

7. Electric Shocks

With every job these days using so many different electric items and machinery, electric shocks are an everyday risk for many workers around the world. Developed countries usually have strict regulations that protect workers who are working with live electricity, but a great many accidents still happen elsewhere. Dangerous wiring and poor safety education are both factors that lead to electric shocks.

8. Workplace Violence

The final causes of injuries and death on the list may be a surprise, but it is not uncommon. Workplace violence can cause extensive injury and sometimes even death as people under high pressure are more likely to react in a violent manner. Workplace happens across every industry and so it is vital that people in charge lookout for the signs and ensure that the proper training systems and safety protocols are in place. 


With so many potential dangers in every place of work, it’s absolutely vital that the property safety measures are taken and the proper training given. If you have been injured at work, speak to a specialized personal injury attorney and they may be able to help you get the compensation you deserve to help pay for your injuries.