6 Things to Expect From a Pest Inspection

Having pests in your home can be a very unsettling feeling. Hearing something scratching around in the walls or noticing nibble marks on your fruit are all signs that there is an unwanted intruder. If you cannot deal with the problem yourself because you can’t locate the critter or the infestation seems to have got out of control, the best thing to do is call in professional exterminators from somewhere like this company offering Pest Control Kingston services. They will come and assess the situation and advise you as to the best course of action to take.  

So that you know what will likely happen when the professionals turn up, here are six things to expect from a pest inspection.

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1. Access Point Inspection

The first thing that all reputable pest control professionals will do is look at your property and inspect the access points that pests may be using. Identifying potential entrances such as holes, cracks, loose floorboards, and the areas around pipes and vents can help to stop pests from gaining access to your property in the first place. Rats, ants, and cockroaches are incredible at finding ways into your home, so a thorough survey is necessary. It can be very difficult to find or kill pests once they are already inside, so blocking off these access points is always the first step.  

2. Outdoor Space Inspection

All pests come into our homes from outside, and so the next thing the pest control company will want to assess is your outdoor space. The pest control folks at https://www.asbir.com.au explain that the exterminator will look for anything which may attract pests onto your property such as garbage piled up outside or a food-rich compost heap. This can help you know why pests seek out your home and enable you to make some important changes to keep the pests away. The outdoor inspection will often be combined with the access point inspection, and some basic repairs or changes may be made. 

3. Assessment of Infestation

If you have already found pests in your home, the exterminator will try to assess the extent of the problem. It may just be that a loan mouse or a cockroach has come into your home looking for food or shelter, but there may also be a significant infestation that has already established itself. They will be able to determine this even if they can’t see the pests themselves by looking out for telltale signs like droppings and damage to furniture and upholstery. Most pests are very good at hiding themselves, especially during the day, so an expert eye is always needed. 

4. Extermination Plan

If a pest infestation is identified, the next thing you will be given is an extermination plan. Depending on what kind of pests you have in your home, you may have to find a specialist. For example, you may need to find a specialist who is qualified in scorpion pest control as these pests are venomous, nocturnal creatures. One thing they will need to consider is the extent to which the pest has invaded, the extermination itself may or may not take place there and then. Different pests require different extermination solutions such as traps, poisons, or fumigation, and the exterminator will explain exactly how the process works and how you should prepare your home. It is possible that you may have to vacate your home during the extermination, possibly even for a few days, so they will be able to give you a timeframe during which to make other living arrangements.

5. Environmental Check

As well as dealing with the pest problem itself, your extermination expert will also look at the environment in your home to see why it is appealing to pests. Many pests prefer a moist environment so they will check the moisture and humidity levels in your home. You may be able to solve the problem by ventilating your home more often, but it may require a dehumidifier or an HVAC system to be installed. 

6. Prevention Advice

Once everything has been assessed, and your current pests have been dealt with, the exterminator will take everything above into account and create a comprehensive prevention plan for you to follow. It is vital to stay vigilant in taking steps to prevent pests from entering your home to stop another infestation from occurring. Listen to the expert’s advice and implement the measures which they suggest. Prevention is the best way to avoid having to call them in again in the future.


Seeing a cockroach scuttling under your kitchen tablet or finding mouse droppings in your kitchen can cause a lot of distress. We all imagine our homes being totally overrun by invaders which we can’t get under control. Make sure you call an expert pest control service so they can help you to rid your home of unwanted guests once and for all.