6 Steps You Need to Take after Getting Injured at Work

Sustaining a bad injury in an accident can have many consequences for you. From the cost of medical bills to the pain and trauma caused by the injury, it can be a very difficult time. There are tens of thousands of injuries in the workplace every year in the US and these are particularly tough as they often pit an employee against their employers in legal proceedings. 


The fear of repercussions or even being fired often scare people into dropping a potential compensation claim, even when it is a valid one, which leaves them forced to foot the bill themselves. This should never happen as every worker has various rights which protect them in an incident of a workplace injury. To help anyone who is in this difficult position, here are 6 steps you need to take after getting injured at work.

1. Remain Calm

The first thing that you need to do after getting injured at work is to remain calm. Whilst this may not sound like particularly useful advice, the steps that you take immediately after an accident are very important and so is vital that you keep a sensible head. There may be people like your boss or manager trying to convince you that the incident wasn’t a big deal and that you don’t need to do the other steps which follow in this guide, so keep calm, remember your rights, and don’t let anyone intimidate you.

2. Report the Accident

The next thing that you have to do is to report the incident in your workplace’s accident book. The legal experts at this site explain that every workplace in the US must have a dedicated accident book by law, so if your bosses try to claim there isn’t one, this can be held against them in any future legal proceedings. The account that is logged in the accident book will be a very important piece of evidence which you will be able to use to prove that your injuries were sustained at work through no fault of your own. This will help you to secure the justice and potential compensation that you are eligible for.

3. Go to the Hospital

It is absolutely vital that as soon as you have reported the accident, you visit the hospital for a medical checkup immediately. In terms of your injuries, this is very important as receiving early treatment will have far better results than if you wait to get seen. The second reason why it is important to get medical assistance straight away is that you will need to get the medical reports to use as evidence in any potential compensation case. There is a statute of limitations on how long you have to be seen by a doctor following an accident for the reports to be valid evidence so it is always better to do it straight away.

4. Get Legal Help

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4. Get Legal Help

Once you have received mental treatment, it is always advisable to seek specialized legal assistance. Whilst this is beneficial in any accident case, it is particularly important when dealing with a workplace incident as these can be very emotionally stressful so having that expert advice is key for helping you to get through it. Your attorneys will sort out all of the paperwork, speak to the relevant insurance companies and ensure that you have the best chance of winning.

Depending on the type of injury incurred, it’s beneficial to contact attorneys that are best suited for your case. For example, if you’ve suffered from a head injury, then you may have unique challenges. In this case, you should find a head injury lawyer who is experienced in these matters. The same principle applies to other types of injuries.

5. Prepare Your Evidence

In addition to the accident book and your medical report, your attorney will then prepare any other evidence which they think could help you to win your case. This may include contacting witnesses who saw how the incident happened in order to use their testimony in court. Witnesses may be reluctant to give evidence against their employers so your attorneys will be vital in reassuring them of their rights when they are present during a hearing.

6. Decide on Your Course of Action

Once everything is prepared, you will then need to decide what your course of action will be. Many people seek an out of court settlement to keep things as possible, but if your employer is difficult, then this may not be an option. Consult with your attorneys and they will be able to advise you on the best way to go.

An injury at work can be incredibly difficult both physically and emotionally, but to ensure that it does not also cause you problems financially, it is vital that you take the right steps. Reporting the accident and seeking medical attention immediately are vital, as is hiring an experienced attorney to help you prepare your case and get the compensation you deserve. Always remember your rights and never allow yourself to be intimidated because the law will protect you if you follow this guide.