6 Good Reasons That Will Compel You Get A Water Heater For Your Home

Enjoying a hot, soothing bath after a long day of work is one of life’s greatest pleasures. Unfortunately, we can’t always take the availability of hot water for granted, whether it’s because winter has suddenly arrived or your old water heater broke down. If this sounds like an all-too-familiar struggle, then you must have contemplated the idea of getting a water heater or updating your old one. Certainly, there are a lot of reasons to make you feel hesitant about that decision, but rest assured that the pros will outweigh the cons. That being said, here are 6 good reasons that will compel you to get a new water heater for your home.

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1. Get Hot Water Whenever you Need

Obviously, the most important benefit of getting a water heater is having unrestricted and instant access to hot water whenever you need it. There are many types of water heaters, ranging from storing tanks to tankless and from electric-powered to gas-powered. The general idea remains the same: once you turn on the water tap, you can get an instant almost-instantaneous supply of hot water. 

2. Increase Home Value

Did you know that getting a water heater can significantly improve the resale value of your home? It’s actually one of the most important things that new home buyers look for when checking properties for potential purchase. What’s even better is, in case you do get a modern water heater, you’ll be able to charge even more for the home’s resale value than in the case of an old heater. Even if you’re planning for a few more years in your property, new water heaters are more efficient and can live up to 20 years, depending on the kind and model. That means you’ll get to enjoy the return on investment of the new heater, all while increasing your home resale value. 

3. Your Current Heater is Lacking

You may already have a water heater at home. If so, you must know how practical it is, so convincing you shouldn’t take much. But what would make you get a new heater if you already have one? The reason is simple really. If you’ve been struggling with your old heater, or you feel it’s lacking in one way or another, then it’s probably time to get a new one. Most old heaters come in the form of tanks that store hot water for daily use, but these heaters usually have a lifespan of 10 to 15 years. According to the experts at thinktankhome.com/storage-type/, investing in a tankless water heater can come with many added benefits. Not only will you have an almost unlimited supply of hot water, but these heaters are also more energy-efficient and have a longer lifespan. A tankless water heater can live up to 20 years, so you won’t have to worry about changing it anytime soon. 


4. Save Energy and Water

We’ve briefly mentioned how tankless water heaters are more energy-efficient, but that doesn’t really give them as much credit as they deserve. According to the US  Department of Energy, households using tankless water systems can enjoy 24% to 34% more energy-efficiency than households that use traditional water heaters. That’s because older heaters in the form of tanks waste a lot of energy in keeping the stored water heated, while tankless water heaters just heat the water at the point of use. This also works better in favor of saving more water.

With proper maintenance, your appliance will remain energy-efficient for the long term, and you won’t have to keep worrying about replacing your water tank every few years. Rose City homeowners like to hire water heater repair in Jackson for inspections and occasional fixes so that they don’t have to worry about costly repairs frequently. Further benefits revolve around the fact that you get to save on your home energy bill, as well as play a role in reducing your carbon footprint. It’s a win-win situation for everyone.

5. Improve Home Safety

While old and traditional water heaters can get the job done, that doesn’t mean they’re completely safe to use. The problem is that they’re often neglected, even when they start making weird sounds. If an old water heater starts making clunking noises, produces lukewarm water, or shows signs of leakage, it should be inspected and fixed right away. There’s a long history of old water heaters breaking down and flooding apartments and properties due to the negligence of their owners. 

6. Keep up with Technology

There’s no time like now to get a new water heater, thanks to how its technology has significantly advanced. For starters, a new and modern heater can help you save a lot of money down the line. Furthermore, modern designs make it possible to supply hot water through different pipes, so you can enjoy the warmth from every faucet in your home. 

Getting a new water heater for your home should be a no-brainer. Certainly, it can be a hefty investment, one that you might think you can do without, but the advantages of getting one are well worth the initial cost. If anything, merely fantasizing about enjoying the feeling of hot water whenever you need to should be enough to help you make the decision, and buy one today!