5 Ways To Incorporate Relaxation Into Your Busy Schedule

When you have a busy schedule, whether it’s from work or managing your home, it can get very stressful and tiring. But it would help if you looked after yourself and set time apart to relax from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Stress is an extremely common feeling you cannot avoid no matter how hard you try. Statistics show that about 73% of people believe stress affects their mental well-being. With the growing stress rates, it’s become more crucial for you to start caring for your state of being, both mentally and physically. Here are five ways to fit relaxation into your tight and busy schedule.

1. Socialize

Setting aside time to hang with friends and family is an excellent way to unwind when you have a busy schedule. Even if you get to do it for at least 2 hours a week, it can greatly impact your mental health and keep you going. It could be something as simple as hanging out after work on a Friday, grabbing coffee, or planning a fun day with your kids. 

As long as you’re doing something that makes you have a good laugh or makes you feel comfortable and in good company, you shouldn’t have an issue. Building this habit can help you see the light at the end of the tunnel during those stressful and bleak weeks. Plus, you will feel more mentally and physically prepared when returning to the office the following week. 

2. Meditate every morning

Meditation is one of the easiest things you can do to reduce your stress levels and increase endorphin production in your body. Endorphins are the feel-good hormones that can improve your mood and help you start your day on a positive note. You can do a quick round of meditation every morning before setting off to work, and you can do it anywhere, provided you will have the peace to do it. It could be a quick ten-minute session in bed right when you wake up, or you can designate about thirty minutes for a relaxing outdoor meditation session. 

If you don’t know where to start, tons of resources online will teach you how to meditate. Or, if you’re not really into meditation, you can take a quick jog around your neighborhood to release those endorphins. 

3. Do a meal prep

The last thing anyone would want to do when they come home from a long day at work is cook. It would be much easier if you all had to pop your homemade meal in the microwave. And you can do that! You can cook your meals in bulk and freeze them whenever you have some free time, whether on your off days or the weekend. That way, you wouldn’t have to worry about feeding yourself or your family and rush back home in a frenzy. 

If cooking isn’t your thing, you can also take advantage of technology and take away the stress of figuring out what to do. You can do all your grocery shopping online and even have food delivered regularly to your home at a time that works for you. 

4. Seek professional guidance

Your mental health is extremely important. If you are not at your peak, you will not be capable of performing your duties at work at your maximum, which could add more stress to you. It might seem impossible to fit therapy into your busy schedule, but a lot has changed regarding access to professional help over the years. Online therapy sessions have enabled even the busiest people to access professional help whenever needed. You can learn more about it here and how to fit it into your schedule. 

Remember, you don’t need to have a mental issue or disorder before seeking professional help. Sometimes, talking about what stresses you out can be a great way to get a lot off your chest and shoulders. 

5. Get good sleep

No matter how busy your schedule is, sleep is very important. Without it, you will not be able to perform at your best, which can affect you mentally and physically. Ensure you get about 7-8 hours of sleep every night and even more during your free time so that your body re-energizes. Taking time to sleep will help prevent burnout.

If you can, try to take naps whenever possible. Keep it as short as possible, not going beyond 30 minutes each day. Naps can be very helpful, especially if you aren’t getting the required hours of sleep all the time. 

Nothing should stop you from taking a break when life gets too hectic. You must care for your mental health and body as much as you have many priorities.