5 Facts why you should Start Drinking Wine

You often hear people say drinking a glass of wine regularly is good for the body. However, they fail to tell why drinking wine is beneficial. As each year passes by, more and more researches keep emanating about the benefits of wine. If you have been searching for the benefits of drinking wine, we have listed some facts why you should consider drinking wine. Nonetheless, moderation is key! Whatever you are doing, try as much as possible to be modest with your actions.

#1 – Keeps Your Heart In A Healthy State

There are dozens of health benefits to enjoy from drinking wine and one of such is a healthy heart function.  When it comes to antioxidants, red wine is the most common source of plant antioxidants. Although broccoli tends to contain more plant antioxidants, the fun of drinking wine makes it people’s favorite.

Most red wines contain some powerful compounds knowns as proanthocyanidins and resveratrol. These compounds play crucial roles in warding off potentially deadly diseases in the human system. According to various research, drinking red wine helps to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. While this may be true, there are other factors that play a role in maintaining a healthy heart. When taken in moderation, red wine has the capacity to regulate blood pressure. The powerful plant antioxidants in wine help to lower bad low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and retain good high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol.

Different lifestyles and even some of the medications we take can have negative effects on our body system. Some of the drugs we take contain some compounds that are not so good for the body. The aftermath of these drugs can even lead to further complications. Recently, I wrote on The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies review talking about the powerful effect of herbs. The book contains useful resources on how to tackle several health challenges using only herbals. Drinking wine is a form of herbal remedy for heart disease as it keeps the heart in perfect condition.

#2 – Drinking Wine Can Be A Source Of Happiness

It would be out of place if we fail to include the major reason why people drink wine. Wine makes us happy and tends to unite people together. We are living a world that is full of ups and downs, and people tend to find happiness in whatever possible way available. According to BMC Medicine journal, a group of researchers from various universities in Spain reported that drinking wine regularly may lower the risk of depression. Depression is a common phenomenon these days and many people have committed suicide because of this act. You could snap out of depression by drinking wine. However, this is not an encouragement to drink to stupor but to do it moderately. Also, this is never a call for you to ignore your healthy eating habit or exercise routine. All we are trying to say is that drinking wine can get you in a good mood while you are pursuing other healthy lifestyles. So, whenever you have the opportunity, do not hesitate to get a bottle of wine for your merriment.

#3 – May Impede The Risk Of Diabetes

Apart from the jollification we get from drinking wine, it also plays different roles in our health. According to a popular study, drinking red wine in moderation helps to reduce the risk of Type 2 Diabetes. Another study found that drinking any form of alcohol in moderation could reduce the risk of diabetes by up to 30%. However, if you are battling with diabetes already, you will need to talk to your doctor before drinking. This is because alcohol can lead to low blood sugar (causing blood sugar to be dangerously low), and could also alter the effect of your medications.

You don’t need to consume a full bottle of wine at a sitting because you want to feel its health benefits. Doing this can be inimical to your health. Taking a glass of wine on different occasions is what you need to feel its impact.

#4 – Wine Could Help to Lower The Risk Of Cancer

A lot of human and environmental factors have contributed to the increase in the rate of cancer. According to the National Cancer Institute, in 2020, an estimate of about 1.8 million new cases of cancer was diagnosed in the US and about 600,000 died from the deadly disease. While drinking wine is not a solution to cancer, it could reduce the risk of breast and prostate cancer. The same powerful compounds that help to reduce heart disease (as discussed above) also play a role in fighting cancer. Resveratrol (an antioxidant that is present in wine) slows down the growth of liver cancer cells.

#5 – Drinking Wine Reduces The Risk Of Alzheimer’s Disease

Taking a few glasses of red wine regularly can also help to ward off Alzheimer’s disease. Recent researches show that consuming 1 to 2 glasses of wine helped to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia. According to scientists, when you drink wine, as it passes through your gut, it leaves behind some antioxidants that protect the brain neurons from damages or destruction. When this happens, there is a very low chance of having any neurological disease such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s.

How Much of Wine Should I take?

With all the benefits of drinking wine, does one have to drink it in excess to achieve great results? Not at all! The best way to drink wine is by taking 1 to 2 glasses daily. You don’t have to drink in excess before you feel good. In short, drinking too much wine might work against you instead of working for you.

“Drinking wine in moderation does not only boost your health status, it also plays a crucial role in keeping you in a happy mood.”