4 Tips to Follow for a Safe, Enjoyable Atlanta Getaway

The Coronavirus pandemic has changed our lives forever this year, with many of us losing our jobs or becoming furloughed. For those of us with work, we find ourselves working from home rather than from offices where we are more prone to catching the deadly virus. This is not the only aspect of our lives that have been affected, however, as international travel has ceased for all but the most important reasons. 

All this means that many of us are deciding to holiday in our home countries. In such a large country like the USA, there are many states that some of us have barely heard of, let alone visited, so it is the perfect time to broaden our horizons and explore our home nation in depth. In this article, we are going to take a look at the city of Atlanta in Georgia and give you four remarkable tips to follow if you want to have a safe and enjoyable trip there.


Be aware of the virus

The first thing we will mention is the obvious one, but it is essential while traveling that you adopt the same level of safety as you would in your home town when it comes to the dastardly Coronavirus. Whenever you are out in public, you should wear a face mask, and as soon as you enter any building from shops, to museums, to restaurants or bars, it is vital that you sanitize your hands well. You should avoid socializing with others from outside of your traveling party and make sure that you are socially distanced when you are in confined spaces. If you do this, you will not only make your trip more enjoyable, but you will earn the respect of others and help to ward off the virus as soon as possible. 

Get an Insurance

Most of us have personal insurance, but what about driving insurance in different states? With airlines out of action, many of us are driving to our holiday destinations this year, and given Atlanta’s location, it is likely you’ll have your car. The last thing you want on holiday is to be sued or worse, hospitalized as a result of an accident, and then find yourself without adequate insurance. If you are involved in a prang, then it is important that you immediately find yourself a reliable, experienced lawyer who will help you to get out of the predicament that you find yourself in, but the moral of the story is to make sure that you have the correct insurance in advance.

Avoid downtown

As with many cities in the US, downtown can be a rough area that you may want to avoid, and Atlanta is no different. But this isn’t the main reason to avoid downtown; the real reason is that it is boring. Why would you want to be stuck in the middle of the city when you’re looking to explore a new place? 

Downtown is full of businesses and shops, not fun activities such as visiting the botanical gardens or the zoo. Maybe you are looking for a bit of culture. Still, chances are you would miss the Martin Luther King memorial if you stayed downtown, so do the sensible thing and avoid the center and its constant traffic jams during peak hours, and head for the suburbs where you have easy travel to the hills and forests and the most enjoyable places to visit at your fingertips.

Don’t forget the sports heritage!

Until now, we have focused on the negative aspects of Atlanta, so I thought I’d throw in one of the most enjoyable things that you can do in the city and the surrounding area, which is to explore the sporting heritage of the city. Atlanta hosted the 1996 Summer Olympics in its centenary year, which was a real honor for the city. However, the stadium now belongs to Georgia State University, but it still merits a visit. A little further afield, you will find the world’s most famous golfing venue, Augusta, and if you’re into beautiful azaleas and rhododendrons, this is the perfect palace to visit for their annual championship held in April. 


As we have learned, it is sensible to take precautions when visiting any city if you want to ensure that you have a safe and enjoyable getaway. Now more than ever, you need to follow all guidelines relating to the Coronavirus pandemic, and if you are thinking of driving, make sure that you are fully insured otherwise, you could find yourself culpable if you are involved in a car accident. Avoid downtown if you want to stay safe and see the real sites of the city, and if you are a sporting buff, then don’t miss out on the former Olympic stadium and the Masters golf tournament held once a year.