4 Signs It's Time to Replace Your Home Appliances (and How to Do It For Less)

Everything, eventually, needs to be replaced. If you're lucky, it can be replaced with itself after a hefty repair and maintenance treatment. This is how you can keep hinges that are hundreds of years old in rotation. 

Appliances aren't so lucky. Like rooves, appliances have a lifespan, and even without that lifespan, there are reasons why you'll want to upgrade what you have. Chucking something out that's perfectly good to use is a waste, but if you've using that concept of waste as a reason to hold on to appliances you really shouldn't, it's time to take the plunge. Know when it's time for the upgrade by checking to see if there are any of these four key signs: 

1. It's Over a Decade Old 

While some appliances can live longer than 10 years without a problem, it's important that you keep a close eye on these older pieces and to start comparing them with newer models. One of the big reasons to do this is energy efficiency. An older model can end up costing you so much in comparison to a newer, more energy-efficient model. Older models may also be made of dangerous materials. Take fridges; in the past, they used to use CFC freon to keep cool. Only now does everyone know that CFC was contributing to a massive hole in the ozone layer. 

This is just a rule of thumb. If your fridge doesn't cost much to run, is in good condition, and is made well, you can keep using it until another problem pops up. 

2. There Are Noticeable Signs of Wear and Tear

If there's an aggressive amount of rust, dents, cracks, the doors don't latch properly, and so on, your appliance is starting to inch into the health and safety issue part of its lifespan. While you may be able to repair small issues if the issues just seem to keep piling up, know it's time to make a change. Doing this before your appliance completely gives up lets you wait for a sale at AJ Madison, for example, to help offset the cost of a new appliance. You can even look for further savings by adding an AJ Madison promo code before you check out. 

3. It's Not Working As Well As It Should 

If your fridge is colder in some spots and not in others, if your freezer periodically just dies before resuming, and so on, then it's time to replace your appliance. Items that constantly run or are used every day are just going to break down, and sooner rather than later, those issues are going to impact your food quality, your health, or your safety. 

4. The Style is Outdated 

You are allowed to want a new set of appliances just so that they fit your home's design or your family's needs better. Sure, you have a fridge that works fine, but if it's too small, then that's just as good of a reason to upgrade as if it were falling to pieces. The same applies to those investing in a big style upgrade for their kitchen. You are allowed to replace the appliances with something that works better with your design. If your older pieces are still in good working order, you can sell them second-hand.