4 Essentials Every Traveller Must Have

Travelling to a new destination can be an exciting and rewarding experience. However, it is also extremely important for anyone who plans to leave the country or stay in another place of residence for an extended period of time that they take the necessary precautions before leaving.

Whether you go alone or with family, there are many essential items you need to purchase prior to your departure so that you can enjoy your trip.

Here Are 4 Essentials Every Traveller Should Have:

Passport and Identification

Every traveller must have his/her passport with him/her at all times. Make sure that your passport is valid for at least six months after the travel period. Also, make sure it has blank pages still left because you might need them – who knows? – to stamp with customs or immigration!

Along with a good quality passport holder, you should also always carry copies of your important and most used documents such as your driver's license, bank card(s), health insurance card, etc.

Medical Kit Essentials

All travellers should have a small medical kit when venturing abroad, especially alone. This is because you never know what might happen during your trip or whether you'll end up injured due to various reasons. 

In fact, an injury from an accident may look like something trivial at first but can escalate into something very serious within a short time! So it pays to be prepared for whatever eventuality may arise while away from home so that you don't find yourself in a complete state of panic and chaos!

For this, you should have the following items:

  • Antihistamine cream or tablets (if there is an allergic reaction that requires immediate attention!)

  • Insect bite relief medications/creams/ointments (especially if travelling to areas with many insects, e.g., Africa)

  • Sunburn relief medications/creams etc. (this is essential if going on a safari tour or similar activity where you'll be spending the majority of your time outdoors!)

  • Skin rash ointments (to help with various skin irritations that can occur, e.g., heat rashes, bug bites etc.)

  • Personal medications (e.g., cold/flu tablets, contraceptives) or medical supply if required for specific conditions or disorders you may have (the names and types of medicines should be clearly labelled so that they are easily identified by emergency personnel.)

Travel Insurance And Vaccinations

Many times you can get free vaccinations and other medical attention at your destination. Still, it is always better to make sure ahead of time that you are not going to run into any problems along the way. To do this, be sure to check with your counsellor or doctor about recommended vaccinations and proper medication for the area you will be travelling to. 

Also, find out whether insurance is required for entering the country where you will travel. If so, then, by all means, acquire some while still in your home country! You don't want any nasty surprises while abroad.

Comfortable Footwear

While travelling abroad, it is inevitable to walk around a lot, so having footwear that is both comfortable and suitable for your itinerary will make a difference in your overall enjoyment. It is best to pack comfortable shoes that can be worn while sightseeing but also something you don't mind getting wet if necessary.