3 Tips to Optimize Your Workspace

Working from home can be great - you can make your hours, wear whatever you want, and take breaks whenever possible. But if you're not careful, working from home can also be challenging. If you're feeling unproductive, it might be time to look at your workspace. Optimizing your workspace for success can help increase productivity and improve focus. Here are 3 tips to help you make the most of your home workspace.

Invest in a Comfortable Chair

If you're spending a lot of time at your desk, it's important to have a comfortable chair. After all, you don't want your back and neck to start hurting after an hour or two. But with so many options, knowing which is right for you can be challenging.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when shopping for a new chair:

  • Your budget: How much are you willing to spend? There are plenty of affordable options that will still be comfortable.

  • The height: You'll want to ensure the chair is right for your desk. Otherwise, you may hunch over, which isn't good for your back.

  • The material: Do you want leather or fabric? Something easy to clean or something more breathable?

Get a Standing Desk

If you’re looking for a way to improve your work life, you may want to consider investing in a standing desk. Though they may seem like a small change, standing desks have been shown to have several benefits, including increased productivity and improved posture.

If you’re unsure whether a standing desk is right for you, here are a few things to keep in mind. First, consider how much time you spend sitting down during the day. A standing desk could be a good investment if you sit for more than six hours. Second, consider your budget. Standing desks can range in price from around $100 to $1,000. If you have the space for a standing desk, it’s worth considering.

Make Sure Your Desk is Organized

If your desk is clear, it can be challenging to get any work done. But if you take the time to organize it, you'll be much more productive.

Here are a few tips from Anima Domus to help you get started:

1. Get rid of anything you don't need. Go through your desk and throw away any old papers or items you don't use anymore. This will help clear up some space to organize better what's left.

2. Put like items together. Once you've decluttered your desk, start grouping similar items together. For example, put all your pens and pencils in one spot, or keep all your paper clips in a single container. This will make it easier to find what you need when you need it.

3. Use drawer dividers. Get some drawer dividers, and use them to separate your items into groups. For example, if you have a lot of paperclips and other small office supplies, put each item in its own section. This will help you find what you need much more quickly.


When creating a comfortable, efficient, and stylish workspace, it is important to choose comfortable and ergonomic furniture. Make sure to invest in storage solutions to help keep your space organized. And lastly, don’t forget to add some personal touches to make your workspace feel like your own.

By following these simple tips, you can create a functional and stylish workspace. You can have a comfortable and efficient space with the right furniture and storage solutions. And by adding some personal touches, you can make your workspace feel like your own private oasis.