3 Tips for Entertaining Vegan Guests

Have you ever invited someone over to dinner, only to have your invitation gracefully refused because they are diehard vegans? Some people truly will only eat a meal consisting of plant-based foods and ingredients, and that could be problematic for you as well as for them. With the growing number of people who are learning about the health benefits of being a vegan, this is something you just might want to understand.

1. The Difference Between a Vegetarian and a Vegan

This is something many people aren’t quite familiar with. When you think of entertaining vegan friends, it is imperative to understand that literally everything you serve must be plant-based. This means no eggs, milk, or dairy in any way. Both vegans and vegetarians will not eat meat, poultry, or seafood, but a vegan goes a step further in that they will not eat anything including dairy either. This is a huge difference between vegans and vegetarians.

2. Take Them Out Instead

One thing you could always do is invite them out to dinner. For example, if you live in Southern California, Colorado, or Chicago, you might want to try ordering vegan food at a Native Foods location. In this way, you will know that the foods your vegan friends are ordering are 100% plant-based and you can even learn a thing or two about a vegan lifestyle. It’s interesting to know that many people aren’t aware of just how strict the vegan menu is. They believe only in foods derived from plants and nothing that comes from an animal in any way.

3. Have Your Dinner Catered

If you are only inviting one couple or a few friends over for dinner, you might be able to either cook it yourself or find a vegan restaurant that delivers. You can either wait until they arrive to see what they’d like to order or send them the menu in advance. However, if you are entertaining several people who would be hard to cook for, why not have a vegan meal catered? You’d be amazed at the simple ingredients you take for granted when cooking a meal for your family that wouldn’t be allowed when cooking for vegans. You’d need to be very precise in reading the ingredients for hidden things such as powdered milk, eggs, or butter. Bear in mind that the vegan diet is quite strict in this regard, so it is a bit more involved.

You might be amazed at just how many of your friends are vegans and you just weren’t aware. Maybe you’ve noticed that they’ve declined invitations to Christmas or New Year’s parties but never knew just why. In fact, it just takes looking around your local supermarkets to see how many vegan products are on the shelves and highly advertised. The benefits of eating vegan can’t be denied, especially in terms of heart health and excess cholesterol. With what you learn when entertaining vegan friends, you just might be a believer as well. Take the time to learn why they eat the way they do, and it will all finally make sense.